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Bobcat Badge Presentation Ceremonies

Bobcats are Hard to Find

Try this one! This one was done at my older son's ceremony a few years ago.

Bobcats are small wildcats, about 3 feet tall or shorter. Bobcats are hard to find, especially between the hours of 3 to 5 p.m., when it is time to take out the trash, cut the grass or take a bath. They hide behind trees, under beds or behind imaginary tanks or trucks, waiting for the enemy to pass. They feed on hamburgers, hot dogs, tacos, pizzas, cakes and candy and hunt for food wherever they can find it. Bobcats can be found in trees, mud puddles, under leaves, in old rain barrels, on the roof or wherever girls aren't. They can be found as far away as the school playground or as near as the neighbor's yard, pulling the cat's tail. The Bobcat's ability to run, jump and hide is legendary. T. V. movies, Walt Disney and John Wayne have been known to be able to lure these wild creatures in close for the catch. Many a mighty and crafty hunter has been foiled in his attempts to tame these strange creatures.

But here now if you are ready -- but stand back because they are unpredictable -- I present to you some Bobcats; tamed, washed, combed and about as lovable as they can be -- each probably with a frog in his pocket.

hope this helps!

beverly hutchings
pack 172
mcminnville, tn

Jungle book Theme

We take the first chapter of Kipling's Jungle Book and read it as a radio play at the end of the pack meeting. We usually use it only once during the year. When it comes time for Baloo and Bagheera to speak, the new Bobcat recipients and their parents are called to the council fire to be named and viewed by the pack. This story and many others are in the archives.

Jay Bemis, P37 Committee Chairman, the voice of the Tiger next week.

King Arthur and his Knights

Cubmaster dresses up as King Arthur, with a big sword, robe, crown, and maybe ever throne.

All the boys receiving awards are "Knighted" by King Arthur.

Chuck Bramlet, ASM Troop 323
Thunderbird District, Grand Canyon Council, Phoenix, Az.

Indian Pow-Wow

Cubmaster dresses in an Indian costume, preferably a "chief". Other leaders dressed as "Warriors". Lead each boy getting an award up to the Chief, who paints blue and gold "warrior marks" on each boy's cheeks. (Tempra works well, or some other easily washable paint.)

Chuck Bramlet, ASM Troop 323
Thunderbird District, Grand Canyon Council, Phoenix, Az.

Native American Theme

Our Cubmaster had a great one. He dresses up in a Indian Headdress and leads the boys to stations where they say the requirements for the bobcat rank. Before he takes them to the first station he calls each boy by name to come forward. When all boys are in front of him, he tells them that their first challenge in cub scouting is to complete the requirements for the bobcat rank. He then introduces the first requirement and takes them to the first station. A leader at each station leads the boys in the requirement. The CM then introduces the next requirement and leads them to the next station. This process is repeated till all requirements are covered. Then the CM brings them back to the center of the area (room or campfire--we've done both) then presents them with their bobcat patch and card. I don't have the words, but it's a very visual ceremony with a man in a headdress leading this group of 20 to 30 boys to 5 stations. At the end, the CM congratulate them on achieving the bobcat rank. He then urges them to continue in their journey to higher ranks.


Bobcat Rank Recognition

This Bobcat ceremony I put together for our pack, and is still being used even though I'm not the Cubmaster. It incorporates the recognition of a boy having achieved his rank, rewards him for doing a good job, welcomes him to our Pack and is very positive and uplifting.


Face Paint colors -- Blue & Yellow
Bobcat pin & Patch
Prepared Belt fob --
--A leather belt fob with the Cub Scout logo stamped in the middle with Pack numerals 3 8 3 stamped above the logo. There are 5 holes at the bottom of the fob. Starting from left to right we put 3 beads on a leather lace, with the exception of the center where we put a plastic Arrowhead. Order of colors are: Yellow, Red, light blue, dark blue. Each represents a step in the Cub Scout trail -- BobCat, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and the arrowhead as the focal point points the direction to the Arrow of light.

Start of Ceremony:

Tonight, we are honored to have among us a boy or boys whom have completed the requirements for the Bobcat badge. The Bobcat badge is an important part of the Cub Scout Trail, it is the foundation upon which a boy begins his trek toward the Arrow of Light.

Would the following boys and their parents please come forward!

(boys come forward)

Boy's you've accomplished the first step in Cub Scouting. In all things there is always a first....the first stone laid in a new building, the first step across a bridge. The first is sometimes the hardest, but that's because it lays the foundation or the strength for what follows. The Bobcat badge is your foundation. The trail of Scouting lies ahead of you, but don't be afraid. You won't have to do it alone. You'll have lots of help from your Akela...Akela can be your parents, your den leader, even I your cubmaster will help you along the trail, helping you become successful.

As a symbol of your achievement and of becoming a member of this pack, I ask my assistant to give you the colors of Cub on the right cheek, ye low on the left.

(Asst. cm or den leader puts blue and yellow mark on each boys cheek)

Your parents stand here with you as an example to show they are proud and that they are there to help you, just like they helped you earn the Bobcat badge. I am presenting your Bobcat badge to your parents who in turn will present you.

(Award badges to Parents, who in turn present the badge to the boys)

Furthermore, I have made a small token to remind you of this day. As you wear this fob note that all of the ranks are connected...connected by the Cub Scout logo. They all come to a point at the arrowhead, which someday I hope I will be able to present you with your arrow of light.

(present belt fobs)

Boys, parents and guests of Pack 383 please join me in congratulating these boys in their achievement with the Cub Scout Cheer. I yell CUB -- audience yells SCOUTS (3 times) than conclude with a rousing clapping.

To add onto our cliche of KISMIF, Keep it simple, Make it fun, Make it Special!

In Scouting..

Peter Van Houten / E-Mail: peter_van_houten@QM.WV.TEK.COM*

Bobcat Advancement Ceremony

CM: Tonight it is our pleasure to welcome all of you to the fellowship of Cub Scout Pack______. As I call your name, please come forward with your parents.

CM: Scouts, with the help of your parents, you have passed the first test of Cub Scouting. You have attained the rank of Bobcat. I will now ask your parents to assist in the ceremony that recognizes your accomplishment. (Pass out paints to parents and/or assisting leaders.

CM: The blue is from the sky. The blue paw print of the Bobcat on your forehead is the spirit of the bobcat, and to remind you to do your best on the Cub Scout Trail.

CM: The yellow is from the sun. The yellow marks under your eyes will help you see the light of the Cub Scout Trail, and symbolize the bright spirit of Cub Scouting.

CM: The white on your nose is for purity and to help you know right from wrong as you go along the Cub Scout Trail.

CM: The red mark on your chin is for courage to always speak the truth.

CM: Finally, the green mark on each cheek symbolizes the spirit of nature to guide the Cub Scout in living in harmony with the great outdoors.

CM: Remember your marks of the evening, Bobcats. Have fun along the cub Scout Trail. Parents, will you present this Bobcat badge to your son making him an official Cub Scout? This privilege will be yours for every badge he earns. We expect you will work as hard as he does on some of the projects.

CM: Will all parents in the audience please stand and join these new Cub Scout parents in the Parent's Participation Promise, repeating after me."We the parents of a Cub Scout / Promise to assist our son / in earning his Cub Scout badges. / We will be faithful in our attendance at Pack meetings / and assist in every way possible / as we assist our son to do his best."

Will all the Cub Scouts please stand and repeat the Cub Scout Promise with our new Bobcat Scouts?

Sample face painting:

Robert W. Techentin / E-Mail:

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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