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For a basic district camporee (100 - 500 people)
At least 1 year before:
- Choose date
- Choose location (reserve facilities for date)
- Choose theme/title
10 months before:
- Select Camporee chair
- Camporee chair selects 2 or 3 other principal positions
- 1st meeting of camporee planning team
- Brainstorm ideas & other folks to recruit.
9 months before:
- 2nd meeting of camporee planning team
- Rough draft of program
- Begin designing patch
7 months before:
- Patch design complete (so it can be used on flyers, etc.)
- 3rd meeting of camporee planning team
- 1st draft of schedule
- 1st draft of registration sheet.
- Decide on cost & registration deadlines.
6 months before:
- Most Key positions filled
- Begin publicity! Send out flyers to units, post item on website
- Make sure cost & deadlines are obvious.
4 months before:
- All Key positions filled
- 4th meeting of camporee planning team
- Final draft of activity program
- Final draft of schedule
- Program chair starts recruiting volunteers to help with activities
- Order patches
2 months before:
- Visit location, scout out spots for activities
- 5th meeting of camporee planning team
1 month before:
- 6th meeting of camporee planning team
- Go over weekend program, item by item