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Rocket's Red Glare
The Rockets' Red Glare
Kaposia District Spring Camporee 2002
Camporee Description (from the registration packet)
Our theme for this year's Kaposia District Spring Camporee is inspired, in part, by an idea to include rocket building and launching in the fun for the scouts and our desire to somehow address the issues of patriotism and citizenship in the wake of the tragic events of September 11th.
Do you recall the lines from the National Anthem; "and the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night, that our flag was still there"? These lines tell us that there have been other times in our country's history when people just like us have been under attack, scared and frightened, and worried if our flag, our country and our freedom would survive. September 11th left us saddened, frightened, and confused until a remarkable thing began to happen. Patriotism was reborn! Our flag was still there!
Flags have been seen everywhere, "God Bless America" and the National Anthem are heard frequently and there is a new appreciation for those who serve our country. Firefighters, police, servicemen and women are no longer to be taken for granted. They should be honored and respected as our heroes who stand ready to defend and protect our freedom, our liberty, and our lives.
At this Camporee, we decided to celebrate! Celebrate our flag, our country, our citizenship, our freedom, and those who protect it. We're proud to be Americans and want to celebrate it in a big way! We will celebrate by learning in a fun way even more about our flag, our great country, and our citizenship.
We will also celebrate by participating in all kinds of fun activities, such as building and launching rockets, obstacle courses, and physical challenges in the outdoors. Some of the other activities will include camping, canoeing, watching helicopter demonstrations and seeing some military equipment up-close, while meeting some servicemen and women on duty. Then, of course, our great campfire Saturday night will bring us all together to really rock! This will be a celebration to remember!
Today, as in the past, when we look to see if that flag is still there . . . it will be, because we will be waving it! God bless the USA!
Camporee Program (from the registration packet)
The patriotic theme, The Rocket's Red Glare, promises to lift your spirits and challenge both your mind and your body.
On Saturday, the program will feature over two-dozen different adventures for the boys and girls to try their skills at. Be sure to visit as many as possible to discover which events have special surprises waiting for you!
A few important points (please read and review with your boys and girls and their parents):
The boys/girls may get wet and muddy at some of Saturday's events. They should wear old shoes and old clothes over shorts or a swimsuit.
Saturday's program is meant to go continuously throughout the day. Therefore, there is no specific lunchtime. The volunteers running the events should plan to bring their lunch with them when they leave the campsite in the morning. Each event will shut down for lunch at the discretion of the adults running it.
At mid to late afternoon on Saturday the younger scouts will get priority opportunities at the most popular events (in case of lines) to be able to ensure that all get to see everything. Please plan your day accordingly.
We are thankful for the support of all the military personnel, VFW and American Legion folks who are coming out in support of this spring camporee. We could not pull off an event of this magnitude without their help. Units will have the opportunity (and are strongly encouraged) to adopt one or two of these unsung Heroes for the Saturday meals. Let's show them some of your culinary talents!!
Camporee Schedule
Friday Evening
5:00 Check-in begins
8:00-10:00 Movie Viewing (Popcorn and Kool-Aid for the early birds, Trading Post will be available)
9:00 SPL Cracker Barrel
10:00 Adult leader Cracker Barrel
11:00 Lights out, Taps, Quiet
7:00 Reveille
7:15 Begin preparing breakfast in your campsite (Adopt-a-Hero!)
8:45 Gather at flagpole (Class A uniforms required)
9:00 Opening Ceremony, Flag Raising, Announcements
9:30 - 4:00 All events open (note: lunch will be brown bag, either brought from home or prepared by the troop)
4:00 - 5:30 Special Events (Helicopter demo, District tug-of-war, equipment viewing, special rocket launch)
5:30 - 7:30 Dinner prepared in your campsite (Adopt-a-Hero!)
7:30 ROTC Drill team presentation and retiring the colors (Class A uniforms required)
8:00 - 9:15 Campfire Program
9:30 Cub scouts meet their busses, depart for home
9:45 Movie in the field
10:00 Adult Cracker Barrel
11:15 Lights out, Taps, Quiet
7:00 Reveille
7:15 Begin preparing breakfast in your campsite
8:45 Religious Service (Class A uniforms required)
9:00 Break Camp / Checkout with Eagle commissioner
Camporee Events and Discoveries:
1. Obstacle Course Do you have the stamina for this one?
2. Easier Obstacle Course For those of us that can't take the tough one!
3. Canoe Racing Can your patrol be the best it can be? How wet will you get?
4. Whitewater rafting Just kidding, but the rafts are back by popular demand.
5. Zip lines Always a favorite.
6. Catapults How far and accurate can you make it fly?
7. Friction Bridge Can your patrol get across?
8. The Mud Wall It's Baaack!! Can your patrol conquer it this time?
9. Tree Cutting Sounds like work! Not! Bring 'er down and move 'em out.
10. Rope Swing Reach How far can you reach for the prize?
11. Rocket Building Build 'em and they will come.
12. Rocket launching Where did it go?
13. Flag Folding and History Do you really know how and why?
14. Flag retirement A somber, yet patriotic ceremony.
15. Sumo Wrestling Using inner tubes, can you knock the champ out of the ring?
16. Do you know the answer? Trivia on the Flag and US history
17. Orienteering No fair getting lost here!
18. Marine Pull Up Contest
19. First Aid What would your patrol do if...??
20. Jet set Crawl into the cockpit of an F4 and see how it feels.
21. Chopper City WOW! Helicopters
22. Heavy Machines See the Humvees and other equipment our Armed Forces use.and much, much more!
(Participation in events involving water will require the Scoutmaster to certify that
Scouts are swimmers. Please include the certification form with your registration).
Camp Standards:
Please read the following carefully, as all rules will be enforced!
The primary standards for this camporee, as with all scouting events, are the Scout Oath and Law.
A good camper a/ways maintains high standards of personal conduct, safety, courtesy, and conservation. All scouts and leaders are expected to adhere to the following minimum standards.
For Safety:
1. Always hike with a friend or friends. Get the leader's permission for the hike, route, and returning time. Scouts must hike on designated trails only.
2. Determine the location of natural hazards; stay out of the river.
3. Do not use liquid fuel to start fires (gas, kerosene, charcoal lighter). Gas lanterns may be used under adult supervision; gas must be locked in storage and under adult control.
4. Do not apply insect repellent near campfires. Many brands contain flammable ingredients. Aerosol containers are prohibited in camp because of additional danger of use near fires.
5. Never play games using a knife.
6. Drink from approved water supply only. DO NOT drink from ponds, streams, or river; they may be contaminated.
7. Keep the latrines clean. Bring your own toilet paper.
8. Campers must take all trash home with them.
9. No pets allowed in camp.
10. No passengers may be transported in the cargo section of pickups or other trucks.
11. BSA policy requires two-deep leadership for all Scout outings and campouts.
12. Units should plan to use camping stoves for cooking in the event that environmental conditions do not allow for open fires.
For Courtesy:
1. No electronic devices, headsets etc.
2. Leave the campsite clean. Police grounds for any trash.
3. Check-in when arriving and check-out when departing. (An inspection of your area will be made prior to approving your departure).
4. All buildings are smoke free. Smokers, please smoke outside in a safe manner. Please avoid smoking in front of the youth. Be sure to extinguish and field strip all smoking material and keep your filters.
For Conservation:
I. Restrict vehicles to authorized parking areas and roads.
2. DO NOT cut down trees without prior authorization.
3. If Open fires are allowed, never leave a fire unattended: always put a fire out with water before leaving the area.
4. Sod must be carefully removed before building a fire. The sod must be replaced before leaving camp.
5. In order to protect the numerous seedlings and fragile plants, other than at Event locations Scouts mt~ stay on designated trails. This is a nature preserve, let's preserve nature!
Personal Conduct:
1. Be a good neighbor. Do not create a disturbance or cause other campers to have a bad camping experience.
2. Respect the private property of the neighbors surrounding the nature preserve.
3. Observe the restricted area on the map.
4. Take good care of nature center facilities and equipment. (Units or individual campers may be charged for defaced property and loss or damage to equipment).
First Aid
First Aid for minor injuries, cuts, scrapes, burns, bee stings, etc. will be available in the Camporee Headquarters, located at the Lampert Lodge Program Shelter and in the program fields. They will be staffed by well-trained personnel throughout the weekend. First Aid personnel will be easily identifiable by their colored armbands.
Cost & Registration
COST - $12.00 per person
CAMPERSHIPS - There are camperships available to Boy Scouts, Webelos, and Cub Scouts
through the Indianhead Scouting Campership Fund.
To register simply fill out the proper registration form found in the back of this booklet along
with a tour permit. Please be sure to include a roster with your registration.
Late registrations will be subject to a $25.00 late fee assessed to the unit.
All units must have two-deep leadership for the entire weekend.
Troops are asked to bring at least four adult leaders. In order to provide a quality program for our Scouts, we will need two adults from each unit to help staff the Saturday Events. Bringing four leaders will still leave two to help run the troop.