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Cookoree Theme

This camporee description was taken with permission from Ted McLaughlin's camporees site.


5:00 Check In begins
9:00 SPL Meeting / Cracker-barrel
11:00 Taps

Saturday, 9:00-12:00
Patrol Competitions on the woods trail:
  • Grocery Store (menus, costing)
  • Flapjack Relay
  • Utensil-less Cooking
  • Cooking Gadgets
  • First Aid
  • Food Kim's Game

    12:00-1:00 Lunch at campsites

    Free-roaming demonstrations (troops welcome to put on demonstrations, too):
  • Wild Foods
  • Stoves
  • Desserts
  • Ovens (Dutch, Reflector, Tinfoil)
  • Firebuilding Workshop
  • Backpacking Foods
  • Utensilless Cooking
  • E-Z Clean Cooking
  • Foil Packs (and others)

    5:30-6:30 Movable Feast - at campsites
    Judges circulate, judging food creativity, gateway, campsite layout & upkeep

    8:00 Campfire

    11:00 Taps


    9:30 - Religious Service


    Flapjack Relay: Each patrol needs to build a fire and cook a pancake.

    The pan is run to one end of the area, and the pancake put on a plate.

    The plate is run to the other end of the area, and syrup put on the pancake.

    Then plate back again, and PL eats the pancake.

    This is a timed event. Score based on total time, relative to other patrols.

    Utensilless Cooking: A patrol is given an egg.

    They must cook it without using commercial utensils (i.e. pots, messkits, etc). Scoring:

    points awarded for method, teamwork, knowledge.

    Bonus 2 points if they eat the egg.

    Cooking Gadgets: Basically, this is a pioneering station. The patrol should build something with a cooking connection.

    The pioneering projects will be left up for everyone to look at during the afternoon demonstration period.

    Allow the patrol as much time as they want.

    Points are awarded by a team of judges at lunch time.

    Cooking First Aid: The patrol must deal with cooking-related first-aid situations. For instance, a sliced finger, hot sauce in the eyes, severe grease burn, internal poisoning, allergic reaction.

    Points awarded for correct knowledge & teamwork.

    Ingredients Kim’s Game: Patrols get two minutes to look at a (large) display of food ingredients. Then they must list everything they can remember. A point is awarded for each correct item listed, and a point is taken away for each incorrect item.

  • Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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