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Chills & Thrills Theme
This camporee description was taken with permission from Ted McLaughlin's
camporees site.
What went good:
Bocci ball:
Incredible game! We used milk jugs that had been filled with water and left outside to freeze and then a frozen orange juice jug as the bocci. The milk jugs were spray painted 2 colors to differentiate the teams. The boys had a blast.This was definately the hit of the day.
Snow Volleyball:
We made 2 walls out of snow (this is NOT as easy as it sounds) so that the teams could not see the ball until it came back over the wall at them.Other than that it is just a normal game of volleyball. The kids had alot of fun on this one as well, even though our beach balls exploded on the first volley, oops, hadn't thought about that. We improvised and used empty milk jugs instead and the boys still had alot of fun. Some tips on building your walls: bring some plywood to use as forms (as in concrete forms) and then lots of boys with shovels. I had brought several spray bottles and boys were constantly spraying down the snow as layers were added. This turned the wall into ice and we had no problems with it dissolving under the hammering of the games. In fact, we had great difficulty taking it down when the day was over.
What went not-so-good:
Snow events like the snow shelter building and snow castle building. The snow unfortunately was very dry and powdery, not good at all for either event. Be prepared with backup events in case of this.
Snow Shoe Races: Each patrol has one set of snowshoes for use in a relay race. After the first Scout finishes a
lap, he gives the snowshoes to the second Scout who puts them on and completes a lap, etc. Time are averaged based
on the number of Scouts in a patrol. If a Troop has multiple patrols, the rotation can be arranged to so the
same snowshoes can be used for all patrols.
Snow Blind: All of the members of a patrol, except the patrol leader, are blinded by the glare of the sun off of the snow and now it is up to the patrol leader to verbally guide his patrol safely through a maze of obstacles.
Snow Volley Ball: In this exciting game the net is made out of a 6 foot wall of snow so that Scouts can not see the ball until it comes back over the wall. Other than that, it is normal volleyball.
Snow Snakes: A game where Scouts take a carved piece of wood, generally in the shape of a ski, and hurl it across the snow to see whose will slide the furthest. The piece of wood must be at least as long as the Scout is tall, and NO WAX of any kind can be applied to the underside of the wood. More detailed directions on making the snake, and the history of snow snakes, is available on the internet.
Snow Castle Building: Basically the same thing as building sand castles--just a little colder. Scouts are encouraged to plan the castle ahead of time, as well as practicing building the castle. This competition will be judged on creativity, size, detail, etc. Scouts must supply their own shovels, water bottles, and other implements for building the snow castle.
First Aid Competition: In this event, Scouts are given a first aid scenario in which a Scout has been injured in a cold weather environment. Scouts must render first aid and then prepare to evacuate the victim. Scouts are encouraged to prepare in advance by doing first aid scenarios during Troop meetings. Patrols will have to furnish all first aid supplies such as neckerchiefs, poles and blankets for stretchers, extra coats/blankets to keep victim warm, etc. Each patrol will have to provide its own victim.
Bocci Ball With A Twist: For those who have never played bocci ball, basically you throw a small ball out as a marker, and then two teams try to throw big colored balls out to try and get as close to the small ball as possible. You can use your balls to knock your opponents' balls away from the marker. In this game we will be using Frozen Milk Jugs as balls.
Winter Survival Demonstrations: Artic Infantry show scouts how to make snow shelters Army style as well as other ways to get along in the cold. Also winter camping product demonstrations from local companies.