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Baloo's Bugle


July 2004 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 10, Issue 12
August 2004 Theme

Theme: Scouting the Miday
Webelos: Forester & Naturalist
  Tiger Cub:



Cub Scouting Roundtable Planning Guide

Step right up folks... for a chance at some fun! This month is full of fun and games. Each den will create a midway game to run at the Pack Midway. How about a ring toss, a beanbag throw, a coin toss, a ball throw, or a card throw? Get those creative juices flowing. The boys can design and build the games at their den meetings, and then run their game at the Pack Midway, so everyone gets in on the fun. What's a midway without prizes? Make sure you have prizes for all age groups. And don't forget the popcorn!


Cub Scouting Roundtable Planning Guide

Some of the purposes of Cub Scouting developed through this month’s theme are:

ü       Fun and Adventure, What’s more fun than games?  Cub Scouts will help design and build the midway games and ten see how they work.

ü       Sportsmanship and Fitness, As Cub Scouts go through the midway, they will learn good sportsmanship by playing fair and using or building skills.

ü       Personal Achievement, By trying new games, boys will have fun becoming better at an activity or skill.

The core value highlighted this month is:

ü       Health and Fitness, Staying fit can be fun, especially when it involves playing games.

Can you think of others??? Hint – look in your Cub Scout Program Helps.  It lists different ones!! All the items on both lists are applicable!!  You could probably list all twelve if you thought about it!!


As I began this last issue of Baloo for the 2003-2004 Scouting year I already had my 2004-2005 Cub Scout Program Helps and my Cub Scout Roundtable Guide books.  I, also, had prepared a handout on next year’s RT’s for the leaders in my district.  I saw this theme was “Scouting the Midway” and thought, this is funny October’s theme is “It’s a Circus of Stars.”  I am sure National would not repeat a theme that soon.  So I began to look closely at what we were being asked to do with this theme.  What was the Midway theme to be versus the Circus theme?  Well, from the descriptions and literature for “Scouting the Midway,” National intended us to be playing games this month.  All sorts of games – team building, competitive, fun, learning.  They do not mention any other aspects of a circus.  Remember, there are Midways at amusement parks, traveling fairs and other places.  None of the other theme related activities in National’s publications are circus based.  And so next I went to my sources – the Pow Wow books Baloo Readers have sent me.  And do you know what??  Almost everyone one of them for this month was full of circus theme material!!  (Including mine, because I had not properly done this little bit of research before assembling the Book)  And so you will find some circus stuff here and there will be lots more in October’s theme issue. 

This will be a great issue to bookmark.  There are two large games sections – one from Circle Ten Council and one from Longhorn Council.  Longhorn’s is eight pages!!  And if you still need more games don’t forget MacScouter’s Big Book of Games -


This is August - get them outside and have fun playing games!!

I have a question for you – I was wondering – living in New Jersey where schools still wait for Labor Day to open – how do packs in areas where schools open in the middle of August handle there Join Scouting Nights and Fall Registrations??  Do you do them in August or September??  Do you have your first pack meetings in August??  Do I need to put Join Scouting info and Bobcat ceremonies for your new members in this issue next year??  Drop me a line and let me know what I can do to help you.  Thank you.

Wolf Den Leaders - check out the items on collecting in the Tiger section.  There are many good ideas your Scouts could use for the Collections Requirement in their Wolf Book.



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