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Baloo's Bugle


July 2004 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 10, Issue 12
August 2004 Theme

Theme: Scouting the Miday
Webelos: Forester & Naturalist
  Tiger Cub:



Balloon Pop Promise

Longhorn Council

PERSONNEL:      7 Cub Scouts.

EQUIPMENT:       7 balloons to be popped, part of the Cub Scout Promise on a note inside each.

Cub # 1:       Let’s start this meeting off with a “BANG”

Cub # 2:       Pop balloon, read: I (name) PROMISE

Cub # 3:       Pop balloon, read: To do my Best

Cub # 4:       Pop balloon, read: To do my Duty to God

Cub # 5:       Pop balloon, read: And My Country

Cub # 6:       Pop balloon, read: To help other People and

Cub # 7:       Pop balloon, read: To Obey the Law of the Pack

Cub # 8:       The Cub Scout Promise reminds us to be the Best that we can be, to be Proud to be an American.

Cub # 9:       Now let us remind ourselves of our duty to our country by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance”


Circle Ten Council

TV ANNOUNCER: (with microphone) Welcome ladies and gentlemen, boys, and girls, to one or the greatest family entertainment nights of the year. This is Show Biz Pack meeting night!

SIGN HOLDER: Cub holding card saying "applause" walks past the front row of seats showing his can. He can be wearing ear phones as if he is getting orders from a control booth.

TV ANNOUNCER: We have for you a preview of tonight's attractions. Tonight for your pleasure we will have songs!

SINGERS: Small group of wildly dressed Cubs with instruments can come in singing words of a pop song.

SIGN HOLDER: He follows close behind with a sign that says 'yea'.

TV ANNOUNCER: We have for you games!

ATHLETES: A small group of Cubs come in dressed in team uniforms with balls and giving each other pep talks, sign holder; He follows close behind with a Sign saying "HOORAY."

TV ANNOUNCER: Of course we will have a little business to discuss.

SIGN HOLDER: Comes close to announcer with a sign that says "BOO".

TV ANNOUNCER: And we will have a lot of fun!

SIGN HOLDER: Comes close to announcer with a sign, that says "OH BOY".

TV ANNOUNCER: But before we get on with the show, lets all rise and say the Pledge of allegiance to the Flag.

Lead the Pledge of Allegiance

TV ANNOUNCER: (Like introducing Johnny Carson- swing a pretend golf club) Now hee--aarrs the Cubmaster.

SIGN HOLDER: Shows the "applause" sign again.


Utah National Parks Council

This is a classic that can be used for many themes.  CD

This ceremony is introduced by the den chief who explains that the audience is to respond by doing as the boys say. The boys hold up cards which spell out the word "greetings". Each boy exposes his card as he speaks his line.

G         Glad to see you here tonight.

R         Reach out your hand to a friend on the left or the right.

E          Everyone smile and shake his hand,

E          Everyone smile and nod at another friend.

T         Together now, stand up on your feet.

I           I'd like for you all to take your seat.

N         Now that we're all friends, we'll start the show,

G         Good will is a feeling we all like to know.

S          So now we say greetings to everyone. We've tried to spread good will, and that we've done. So, Cubmaster, our program's begun! (This boy motions for Cubmaster to come on stage.)


Utah National Parks Council

These ceremonies are suitable for openings or closings. You can use them all, or just the parts you'd like. These letters can be written on posterboard and held by the boys as they read their parts off the back.

C         is for comradeship. We learn to get along.

U         is for unity. Together we are strong.

B         is for boy. Wild and woolly, but nice.

S          is for socials. You don't need to ask twice.

C         is for courtesy. Of which we all know.

O         is for outings. We are rarin' to go.

U         is for universal. Scouts are known in every land.

T         is for teamwork. We'll all lend you a hand.

W        Wow, this is great!

O         Oh boy, I like den meetings!

L          Lots of great crafts and games.

F          Fun is number one!

B         Boy, I made it again

E          Easy as pie if you try.

A         Always something new to do

R         Ready to go to Webelos.

W        stands for work well done

E          stands for energy and effort.

B         stands for boys who are full of adventure

E          stands for everyone who helped us advance.

L              stands for love of country.

O         stands for opportunities that lie ahead

S          stands for the Scout trail that we follow.

Circus Flag Ceremony Opening

Longhorn Council

The Pack Meeting is set up and run like a world class circus.  The Cubmaster is attired as Ringmaster, all Cub Scouts are in costumes

Ringmaster:  Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to our show "Under the Big Top!"  Let's greet our circus performers as they make their grand entry by standing and singing the Star Spangled Banner.

Play snappy recording of the National Anthem as flags and color guard lead the parade.  All Cub Scouts are in their den-made costumes as clowns, side show members, aerial artists, trained and wild animals.  Use brilliant colors, fantastic costumes and masks with a lot of imagination.  Have trilling circus music, capricious clowns (den leaders) fill in slack time between the den circus acts of your show.

Circus Theme

Longhorn Council

The circus is our theme for this month; we think it is a dilly;
Both circuses and little boys can sometimes be quite silly.

Den leaders find it a natural to do this kind of show.
They run a three-ring circus every single week, you know.

At a circus there is shouting, roaring, stamping, whistles tooting;
Tumbling, pushing, falling, wrestling, and a rolling and a-rooting.

At den meetings things keep moving, constant motion, constant noise.
There are lots of things in common between circuses and boys.

We’ve put all the dens together; it’s not Ringling Brothers, you know.
But we think you will enjoy it, so let’s get on with the show.



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Materials found at the U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. Website ©1997-2004 may be reproduced and used locally by Scouting volunteers for training purposes consistent with the programs of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) or other Scouting and Guiding Organizations. No material found here may be used or reproduced for electronic redistribution or for commercial or other non-Scouting purposes without the express permission of the U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. (USSSP) or other copyright holders. USSSP is not affiliated with BSA and does not speak on behalf of BSA. Opinions expressed on these web pages are those of the web authors.