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Baloo's Bugle


July 2004 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 10, Issue 12
August 2004 Theme

Theme: Scouting the Miday
Webelos: Forester & Naturalist
  Tiger Cub:



Tiger Uniforms

Rowland, a Cub Scouting friend in PA

The National postcards are out, and so are the orange Tiger shirts!  As of August 1, 2004, Tigers will wear the blue Cub Scout shirt, and an orange neckerchief.  Per the picture on the card, the Tiger Cub Totem will now be with beads on the right chest pocket.  Hear them roar!!!

I think National Supply sent postcards to all Cubmasters.  Not sure who else.  CD

Collecting and Other Hobbies

Circle Ten Council

Family Activity


Families assemble picture collages that will reflect the collections or hobbies that they participate in together. These boards can be displayed at pack meeting.


To have a hobby is to indulge in some form of play, which exercises our hands as well as our brains, and to take a line that cures our despondent, worried, jittery feelings. When we indulge in a hobby through which we see something taking complete form under our own hands, then we gain self—confidence and self—respect.

Every person should spend five or six hours a week at some creative task in which he can submerge himself completely.

The hobby should be something in which a person may excel and in which he takes a keen delight. There is relaxation and comfort in doing something for the sheer delight of doing it. This means, naturally, that one's hobby may change form many times in a lifetime, but even the changes are good, because every one gives us something new to think about, a new approach to the world, a new way of seeing things. Something can be found that will give a sense of self—completion, of creation and of tranquility.


ü       Kite club

ü       Karate

ü       Bicycling

ü       Gardening

ü       Join or create local family book clubs

ü       Pottery

ü       Collecting

ü       Leather working

ü       Clay modeling

ü       Ceramics

ü       Painting

ü       Drawing

ü       Writing

ü       Raising pets

ü       Looking after an aquarium

ü       Making airplanes, boats, doll houses.

Collecting may seem an insane pursuit to many people, but with a little ingenuity it can be made fascinating and challenging. One stamp collector — stamp collecting has been called "King of Hobbies" — hinges an issue of a country's stamps in a frame around the page, and then in the middle he writes particulars about it: when it was adopted, the artist who designed it, why this design was chosen, and any other interesting matter he can glean from the encyclopedia, the history of the country, and the daily papers.

This is a more thrilling way to go about collecting than the mere scraping together of a lot of something. It is a plan that can be adapted to building collections of autographs, coins, buttons, insects or trading cards.

Den Activity

In prospecting for a hobby we should not forget reading, or we should leave enough spare time from other things for this aid to intellectual growth.

A hobby satisfies the desire in all of us to create something. There are a thousand and one ways in which people satisfy their creative urge. In choosing a hobby, the really big question is: Will it give you fun and enjoyment? It must interest you. It must be something you do because you want to do it.

Who Collects What

1.  Rock Hound                         A. Stamps

2.  Folk Singer                           B. Recipes

3.  Numismatist                         C.  Timetables

4.  Ham Radio Operator           D.  Coins

5.  Cook                                      E.  Old furniture

6.  Lexicographer                      F.  Call numbers

7.  Philatelist                              G.  First editions

8.  Antique Collector               H.  Ballads

9.  Railroad Buff                        I.  Obsidan

10.  Book Lover                        J.  Words

(Answers: 1- I, 2-H 3-D 4-F 5-B, 6-J, 7-A 8-E 9-C,10-G)

It’s interesting to learn about your friends’ hobbies and collections. They like to hear about your interests, too. Tell your den about something you like to do for fun or like to collect.

*Tell your den about a favorite hobby or activity or
*Show or tell your den about something you like to collect.

Go See It

Obviously a trip to some place with a collection or many collections –

Museum – maybe a car or plane museum

Gardens  - like Longwood Gardens or Callaway Gardens

A battlefield to look at the relics

An aquarium to look at the fish

A ball field – many parks today have a local hall of fame with memorabilia from the team

Go to the beach and collect shells

Go to a place where the Tigers can dig up fossils

Be creative on this.  It’s summer time and the boys want to be outside!!

Please send me ideas for the Five Tiger badge requirements.  Starting in September I again plan to publish ideas for ach of the requirements.  It would be great if I had some new material!!!  Commissioner Dave (commissionerdave@comcast.net)


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