Whittling Chip
Kommissioner Karl

The Whittling Chip is a “license” for a Cub or Webelos Scout to use a pocket
knife. In order to earn the Whittling Chip, a scout must undergo proper
handling, care and safety instruction with a pocket knife.
Tradition in many councils, districts, and units holds that when a Scout
does not follow the safety precautions learned, that 1 to 4 corners of the
Whittling Chip card are cut off. When all 4 corners are gone, the Scout
must go through the course again to earn a “new” Whittling chip before he is
allowed to carry and use a pocketknife again. How many corners are removed
for each offense is determined by the severity of the offense. Not checking
the area may result in the loss of one corner, where as throwing the knife
around a crowd of people may result in the loss of all four. The card
should be carried at all times if the Scout has or will be using a pocket
knife. Although this policy is not written in any official BSA publication,
it bring home the point to the Scout that he may lose his privilege if he
doesn’t follow the rules. An adult should not hesitate to stop a Scout who
is misusing his pocket knife and instruct him again. Also, a Whittling Chip
card is only for a pocket knife. It is NOT for axes or saws.
The wording on the Whittling Chip card
In return for
the privilege of carrying a pocketknife to designated Cub Scout functions, I
agree to the following:
I will treat my pocketknife with the respect due a useful
I will always close my pocketknife and put it away when not in
I will not use my pocketknife when it might injure someone
near me.
I promise never to throw my pocketknife for any reason.
I will use my pocketknife in a safe manner at all times.
The Official
BSA Whittling Chip or Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts is a Wallet Card (No.
34223A) and/or Patch (08598)
Here are some Teaching hints for
Whittling Chip –
From Mike Bowman, USScouts
One idea that I really liked when I saw it
at a PowWow was for the den leader to make up a large pocket knife with
folding blades out of cardboard, construction paper or what-have-you. The
knife was about two feet long, which made it large enough for all the boys
to see when the den leader was explaining safety and how to use the knife.
From Steve Eisenberg.
Your Cub Scout knife is an important tool.
You can do many things with its blades. The cutting blade is the one you
will use most of the time. With it you can make shavings and chips and carve
all kinds of things.
You must be very careful and think when you whittle or carve. Take good care
of your knife. Always remember that a knife is a tool, not a toy. Use it
with care so that you don't hurt yourself or spoil what you are carving.
Good Things to Remember
Know the safety rules for handling a knife
A knife is a tool, not a toy.
Know how to sharpen a knife. A sharp knife is safer because it is less
likely to slip and cut you.
Keep the blade clean.
Never carry an open knife in your hand.
When you are not using a knife, close it and put it away.
Keep your knife dry.
When you are using the cutting blade, do not try to make big shavings or
Easy does it.
Knives are not toys!
Close the blade with the palm of your hand.
A knife should never be used on something that will dull or break it
Be careful that you do not cut yourself or any person nearby.
A knife should never be used to strip the bark from a tree.
Do not carve your initials into anything that does not belong to you.
Test your knowledge
You should close the blade with the palm
of your hand
True False
A knife is just a toy.
It's okay to keep your knife wet.
True False
A dull knife is more likely to slip and
cut you.
True False
You should carry your open knife in your
True False
Carving your initials into a tree is
True False
The Pocketknife Pledge (fill in the
I understand the reason for
______________________ rules.
I will treat my pocketknife with the ______________ _______________________
due a useful tool.
I will always ________________________________ my pocketknife and put it
away when not in use.
I will not use my pocketknife when it might _______________________
someone near me.
I __________________________ never to throw my pocketknife for any reason.
I will use my pocketknife in a safe manner at _______________________times.
Word bank -
Close, respect, injure, promise, all,
Cub Scouter Award
Kommissioner Karl

The Cub Scouter Award can be earned by any registered
Cub Leader. This is the only knot that can be earned by Assistant
Cubmasters, Assistant Den Leaders, Chartered Organization Representatives
and Members of the Committee. In addition, many Cubmasters and Den Leaders
qualify for this award if they lead their den for four or five of their
Tiger, Cub and Webelos years, or lead the pack for two years beyond the two
years required for the Cubmaster Award. The requirements are similar to
other training awards, and include:
Training: Fast Start, any Cub Leader position, and Youth
Protection Training;
Tenure: Two years (service in one position to earn a
training award cannot be used to earn any other award, so if a Den Leader
applies for the Den Leader Training Award their first year, their bear year
as Den Leader could be used as one year toward the Cub Scouter Award);
Performance: Five of the ten listed unit program measures listed
on the award progress record, which include leading programs such as the
Pinewood, service projects, training and quality unit award.
The progress record may be printed from:
Kommissioner Karl is a regular contributor to Baloo.
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