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Baloo's Bugle


May 2004 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 10, Issue 10
June 2004 Theme

Theme: Cub Rock
Webelos: Artist & Traveler
  Tiger Cub:




Circle Ten Council

PERSONNEL: Entire pack - Cub Scouts, parents, and visitors.

EQUIPMENT: United States flag, four spotlights or four large flashlights

Have all present stand in a double circle, with Cub Scouts and other boys on the inside, and parents and visitors on outside. Focus spotlights or flashlights on the flag held in center of circle. Sing "God Bless America."


Circle Ten Council

Personnel: 7 Cubs

Equipment: Game, Jackknife, book or pet, fishing pole

Cub # 1:       "What shall you give to one small boy? A glamorous game (holds up game), a tinseled toy,"

Cub # 2:       "A knife (holds up jackknife), a puzzle pack, a train that runs on curving tracks?"

Cub # 3:       "A picture book (holds up book), a real live pet… No, there's plenty of time for such things yet."

Cub # 4:       "Give him a day of his very own - Just one small boy and his parent alone."

Cub # 5:       "A walk in the woods, a romp in the park, a fishing trip (holds up fishing pole) from dawn to dark."

Cub # 6:       "Give the gift that only you can - Your companionship, your wisdom and your love"
 (Points to audience as he say his line)

Cub # 7:       "Games are outgrown, and toys decay - But he'll never forget if you give him a day."


Cubmaster’s Minute

Sam Houston Area Council

We have seen many "dinosaurs" tonight helping to show how the boys of our Pack have progressed. We have learned a lot about the past and had lots of FUN, too. Let us all keep up the good work and help our boys along the Cub Scout path. Remember what happened to the dinosaurs - they became extinct. Let's not get stuck in the mud like the "Terrible Lizards" of old - remember to always do your best as you travel down life's path.


Circle Ten Council

One of the most important things about people is what they eat. Every culture in the world has different kinds of food. To some people, raw fish is a delicacy. Others love to snack on snails. Still other people consume insects such as locusts and ants, and they enjoy every bite. Many in America eat beef, pork, and chicken, but there are millions of people in different parts of the world that do not eat meat at all. Different kinds of people put different kinds of food into their mouths, and the food we eat is important. But there is something that is even more important: it is what comes out of our mouths.

Jesus Christ, one of the world’s greatest teachers, once said, “it is not what goes into the mouth that makes a person unclean, but what comes out of the mouth; that’s what makes a person unclean.” (Matthew 15:11) What did Jesus mean? Simply this: what you eat with your mouth does not define your character, but what you say with your mouth does. What kind of messages are you sending out to other people? Does your language reflect the Cub Scout ideals of duty to God, duty to country and service to others? Are you courteous and kind with your words, or are you hurtful and rude? Our words can make us a help to someone else, or they can make us a hindrance. Which one of these are you?

Dinosaur Closing Thought

Longhorn Council

Do you ever pause to think about how helpful the dinosaurs of yesterday were? They provide oil for today. They are in exhibits in museums that many have to lean their heads back to get a good look. Many sets of eyes have opened a little wider by the wonders of Dinosaurs.

They were on this Earth before us. Will we be the oil of tomorrow? No matter how high a man rises, he needs something to look up to.




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