April 2002 Cub Scout
Roundtable Issue
Volume 8, Issue 9 May Theme
Webelos Outdoorsman and Handyman
FOCUS: Magic! What a cool
concept! Now for those of you who are new to the Cub Scouting adventure,
there’s something you should know—very month has a theme. (Great time to
tell us—in the last section of the Pow Wow Book!) But I bring this up
because there are two kinds of themes—new ones and repeats. Now all themes
hopefully meet three criteria: they’re appropriate, they support the aims
and purposes of Scouting, and, most importantly, they’re FUN! Okay; makes
sense; so what? Well, I’ve looked back over years and years of themes and
resources and I’m here to tell you that this wonderful theme, Magic, is one
of the most repeated themes going. That tells us a lot! First, it is
appropriate—it can be done at the boys’ level and is a good thing for them
to experience. Second, it is a medium by which we can nurture the aims and
meet the purposes of Cub Scouting. And finally, most importantly, the best
part of all—the BOYS LIKE IT! Have a great time with this one.
The Above is from York Adams
Central New Jersey Council
Ah, the Magic of Scouting.!
Let’s make pack night a magic
show!!! The cubmaster comes in a tux! Set up a table of magic potions. If you
can get a hold of dry ice, the potion table will be quite impressive. Come
dress as a Lord of The Rings Wizard!!!
Have magic acts from cubs
through out the pack night. See Cub Magic, Den Chief book, How To Book and
program helps for more tricks.
Invite a magician to pack night
(do this early as every pack in the council will be doing this also!!!)

Don’t forget that we have brought back the
Internet Patch for Scouts, yes Cubs can earn this patch, as a temporary one.
THANK YOU!!! My search for Earl is over.
A Canadian Scouter contacted Earl recently, and he called me at work. I am
grateful for the help on this one. THANK YOU!, and Hi Earl.
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