A Smile
Heart of America Council
A smile costs
nothing, but gives much
it takes but a moment, but the memory
of it usually lasts forever
None are so right that can get along without it
And, none are so poor that can be made
rich by it
It enriches
those who receive
Without making poor
those give.
It creates sunshine
in the home,
Fosters goodwill in
And is the best
antidote for trouble.
It cannot be
begged, borrowed
or stolen for it is of no value
unless it is freely
given away.
Some people are too
busy to give
you a smile:
Give them one of
For the good Lord
knows that no one
needs a smile so
As he
or she
-who-has no more smiles
left to give.
Everett Hale: "I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but
still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not
refuse to do something I can do. " The key to accomplishment is believing that
what you can do will make a difference.
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