Please note: All costs cited are for purposes of estimating only - actual charges may and probably will vary. These prices were based on information obtained in 1995 and 1996.

Because many Scout leaders have asked for information about places to visit with a unit on tour, we are also including with this page information on places of interest to Scouts on tour, including camping on historical naval ships, places to visit while on tour en route to the Washington, D.C. area, and more. The listings that follow are provided for informational value only and are not an endorsement of any particular site. Much of the information provided here is the result of help from Scouters who provided information directly or as part of a discussion on the Scouts-L or Jambo97 lists. These Scouters are listed on our contributors page.

If you are planning Scouting Tour, don't forget to obtain a Local or National Tour Permit from your local Council. And please make sure that you keep safety first (now would be a good time to review BSA's Guide to Safe Scouting and other health and safety information).

This web area features the following information:

Camping on Historic Naval ShipsAhoy Mate, shiver me timbers, if it ain't a bunch a Scouts running this ship. Visits to docked historical naval ships can present some wonderful program opportunities ranging from tours to overnight stays.
Touring Opportunities Check out the wide variety of overnighter opportunties presented here. Some are very unusual and others are nearly normal. Information about locations in several states may be found here.

North Carolina

Washington DC Information For those visiting the Washington DC Metropolitan Area this information is for you.

Other Places
Phone Nos.

Old Jamboree InformationInformation gathered for the 1997 National Jamboree still may be helpful, stop in and take a peek.

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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