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Please note: All costs cited are for purposes of estimating only - actual charges may and probably will vary. These prices were based on information obtained in 1995 and 1996.


United States Air Force Academy and
Colorado Springs Area

Troops enroute to Philmont or the National Jamboree can stay at the U.S. Air Force Academy or find accomodations at Peterson Air Force Base or Fort Carson, which also offer low cost meals at their dining halls.

The USAF Academy has a campground and an indoor facility available to Scout groups wanting to stay overnight on the grounds. The campground is close to the Community Center which has a pool, gym, and a rock climbing wall, which you can use if you are there at the right hours. Meals can be purchased for a VERY good price at the Airman Dining Hall. A local troop maintains the Falcon Hiking Trail that winds its way around the Academy grounds and into the foothills. The indoor facility is the "Scout Hut", which is like a lodge-type building (looks very nice) The Scout Hut gets booked probably at least a year in advance so it may not now be available to you.

Points of Contact:

Commander's Youth Relations Representative
USAF Academy, CO 80840
(719) 472-2125

Visiting the U.S. Air Force Academy

Boy Scout Liaison Officer
Peterson AFB (adjacent to the Academy)
Colorado Springs, CO 80914
LT. Decker (719) 556-7576 or LT. Fast (719) 556-4160

DPCA, Scout Liaison Officer
Rec Services Div, Bldg 6049
Fort Carson, CO 80913
(719) 526-2680 (Scouting Liaison)

As for sightseeing there is a tremendous amount to see in the area. These are just a few of many things to do in Colorado Springs...

Cheyanne Mountain Zoo719-475-9555
Garden of the Gods719-578-6640
Pike's Peak719-684-9383
Rodeo Hall of Fame719-528-4764
Seven Falls719-632-0765
US Olympic Complex719-578-4618

Also a great treat for dinner would be a chuck wagon dinner and show at the Flying W Ranch 719-598-4000 or 800-232-FLYW

You may enjoy driving over to Cirpple Creek forthe afternoon, they also have some fun things...

Cripple Creek Museum719-689-2634
Cripple Creek-Victor Narrow Gauge Railroad719-689-2640
Mollie Kathleen Gold Mine719-689-2465

Or take a drive to nearby Victor, Colorado. The streets are actually paved in gold (low grade ore was used to surface streets in the old days).

Also you may want to consider driving down to Canon City. Driving the Phantom Canyon Road from Cripple Creek to Canon City is interesting.

In or near Canon City....

Royal Gorge Bridge719-275-7505
Buckskin Joes719-275-5149
Arkansas River Whitewater Rafting 719-275-7238

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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