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The Elevens Skills of Leadership

Submitted by Bob Docteur

Skill # 11 Setting the Example

The most persuasive Leadership skill is the personal example of the leader. A good leader sets a positive example in these ways:

1. Following instructions. Following instructions, obeying the law, and carrying out tasks in the recommended manner points out that rules and procedures are important.

2. Trying hard. The leader must work as hard as--if not harder than--any member of the group. Leadership by direction is not as effective as leadership by example.

3. Showing initiative. A good leader must do what has to be done without waiting to be told or forced to act. An effective leader respects the good suggestions of the group members and encourages each person to show initiative.

4. Acting with maturity. An effective leader shows good judgment. The group members see that the leader's personal behavior is directed toward accomplishing the task.

5. Knowing the job. Generally, a leader should have a mastery of the skills to be used. If not, the leader must apply the resources of the group toward achieving the task.

6. Keeping a positive attitude. A positive attitude is vital as an example to group members. The leader's personal frustration or discouragement should never be apparent. Failure should be considered a potential learning experience. Enthusiasm is contagious.

Role models are an important method in Boy Scouting. This applies not only to adults, but also to youth leaders. Boys often will copy the actions and behavior of leaders they like and admire. Boys will literally walk, talk, and act as the example set by the adult and youth leaders of the troop.

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