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The Elevens Skills of Leadership
Submitted by Bob Docteur
Skill # 8
When a program or project has been completed, it is important to find out how well the objectives-were met and if improvements can be made for the future. An evaluation should reflect two dimensions of the project--its effect on the total group and its effect on each individual member.
Six simple questions can be used to evaluate almost any project or program. The first three questions relate to the group's success in carrying out the project, while the second three questions relate to individual group members.
1. Did the job get done?
2. Was it done right?
3. Was it done on time?
4. Did everybody take part?
5. Did they enjoy themselves?
6. Do they want more?
An evaluation as soon as an event or activity ends is a handy measure of the immediate reaction. Sometimes, however, a more valid evaluation can be made two to three weeks following the event or activity. In retrospect, the later evaluation may be more valid. It also is less subject to the enthusiasm of the event and a natural desire to please (or condemn) the leadership.
Evaluation is a continual process as a project is under way. Here the six questions are changed somewhat.
1. Are we getting the job done?
2. Are we doing it right?
3. Are we on schedule?
4. Is everybody involved?
5. Are they working well and satisfied with what they're doing?
6. Do they want to continue?
If the answer to any of these questions is no, or if there is any doubt, the leader needs to take some action.