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The Elevens Skills of Leadership

Submitted by Bob Docteur

Skill # 2 Knowing and Using Resources

To establish a group, you must know what you have to work with. Two types of resources can be used-those available to the group and those available from within the group's own members. Resources available to a Scouting group can come from literature and books, members of the chartered organization, parents and friends of members, local businesses, community organizations and services, and programs of the local Scouting council and its districts. An inventory of these outside resources is a valuable tool for the Scouting leader. A formal listing might be helpful, but the same results often can be obtained by simply asking the question, "What do I need and where can I get it?" The more people doing this type of thinking, the more resources will appear.

Usually the resources available within the group are greater than any individual member is likely to perceive. The Personal Resource Questionnaire filled out by each group member is a way to begin. Each member of the group lists some facts about his or her background, attitudes, and abilities. The questionnaires are shared and group members quiz each other to expand on what has been noted. This almost always triggers additional resources, which are then listed.

Members are next urged to share what they consider to be "meaningful experiences"-things they have done that would be considered successes. Members of the group look for resources in the successes each has experienced. All discussions must be positive-no negative statements are allowed.

As members see the resources available to the group and from within the group, they gain a better understanding of each other and the potential for what the group can achieve.

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