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Baloo's Bugle

May 2008 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 14, Issue 10
June 2008 Theme

Theme: Go For The Gold
Webelos: Traveler & Handyman
Tiger Cub Activities


Baltimore Area Council

Nine Cubs with signs having an appropriate picture on the front and their part on the back in large type.

  • I will be a good sport in all I do
  • I will follow the rules
  • I will trust my teammates
  • I will keep my temper
  • I will keep myself physically fit
  • I will keep my head up in defeat
  • I will keep my pride under control in victory
  • I will play hard and have fun
  • I will always do my best

ALL:       We will be good sports in all that we do.

Closing Ceremony
Capitol Area Council

Den Chf:  What you are is God's gift to you.  What you make of yourself is your gift to God.  Make it a good gift.

  • Work while you work.
  • Pray while you pray.
  • One thing at a time, that is the way.
  • All that you do,
  • Do with all your might.
  • Things done halfway are not done right.

A Cub Scout Pledge to Himself
Capitol Area Council

Arrangement:  Pack flag is placed in center of stage.  Ten Cubs in uniform, in turn, come on stage, stand near the Pack flag and recite one of the statements below.  Upon finishing, each Scout salutes the Pack flag and retires to rear of stage, where a horseshoe is formed.

  • May I grow in character and ability as I grow in size.
  • May I be honest with myself and others in what I do and say.
  • May I learn and practice my religion.
  • May I always honor my parents, my elders and my leaders.
  • May I develop high moral principles and the courage to live by them.
  • May I strive for health in body, mind and spirit.
  • May I always respect the rights of other.
  • May I set a good example so that others may enjoy and profit from my company.
  • May I give honest effort to my work.
  • May I regard my education as preparation for the future.

After all Cubs are finished with their lines, all present can join hands for the Living Circle and repeat the Cub Scout Promise.

Do More
Capitol Area Council

(Leader lights candle)

  • This candle represents the spirit of Cub Scouting the world over.  It burns to represent the friendship and fun we can have.
  • But there is more that we can do to further the world brotherhood of Scouting.  Listen to this list and try to do more.
  • Do more than belong.  Participate.  Do more than care.  Help.
  • Do more than believe.  Practice.  Do more than be fair.  Be kind.
  • Do more than forgive.  Forget.  Do more than dream.  Work.
  • Do more than teach.  Inspire.  Do more than live.  Grow.
  • Do more than be friendly.  Be a friend.  Do more than give.  Serve.

Utah National Parks Council

  • May I grow in character and ability as I grow in size.
  • May I be honest with myself and others in what I do and say.
  • May I learn and practice my religion.
  • May I always respect my parents, my elders and my leaders.
  • May I develop high moral principles and have the courage to live by them.
  • May I strive for a healthy body, mind, and spirit.
  • May I always respect the rights of others.
  • May I set a good example so that others will enjoy and benefit from being around me.
  • May I work hard and do my best in everything I try to do.

CM:        Cub Scouting will help the boys learn these things, prepare them for Boy Scouting, and show them that they are always winners if they do their best.

Grand Teton Council

ARRANGEMENT: The following closing ceremony leaves the audience with some good closing thoughts. Seven boys line up across the stage holding barbells that have letters printed on each end spelling out MUSCLE BUILDERS.

  • Muscles some think are really a must.
    Unless you want to be a bust.
  • Flex your muscles and raise those weights high.
    Cause it will make a healthy guy.
  • Lift all of the load you possibly can,
    Else you could be called a shirking man.
  • Buckle down and lift your share of the load,
    Unless you want to be a shirker on life's road.
  • If you always do your part,
    Lifters you will be from the start.
  • Do your best to lift your share,
    Everyone showing that they care.
  • Reaching always a little out of reach,
    Since that's the best philosophy to teach.

Step Over
Grand Teton Council

Personnel: Three Cub Scouts, one dressed neatly and the other two dressed sloppily and looking tired and bored.

Cub #1: (Drags himself on stage, looking tired, bored and meets the sharply dressed Cub. #2) Say, am I ever tired. I wish I could be in shape. I'm so weak I don't know what to do.

Cub #2: I have something that will get you into shape physically and mentally. Take the first step into my program and into shape by stepping over the line.

Cub #1: (Steps over the line, and becomes alert, bright and athletic)

Cub #3: (Walks in dragging, tired and meets #1 and #2.) I'm so bored. I have done everything there is and nothing is left. I miss the challenges.

Cub #2: I have something that will challenge you, train you, coach you and develop you both physically and mentally. Just step over the line.

Cub #3: (Steps over the line and becomes bright, alert and athletic)

Cub #1 and #3 (TOGETHER) What is this program we stepped into that gives us this energy, strength and really challenges us?

Cub #2: It's, it's, it's (hold up a sign that reads "Cub Scouting") Cub Scouting!!!

It Matters Not
Grand Teton Council

STAGING: Four Cub Scouts

  • Some people think if you have muscles,
    You must win in every game,
    But if they’d only stop to think,
    Many a loss can also be a gain.
  • If we’re always good sports when we lose,
    And learn what to do better next time,
    Then we really come out a winner,
    For experience is a teacher sublime.
  • It matters not that the top score we’ve won,
    If only we all do our best,
    For that’s the mark of a champion,
    What ere may be the test.
  • If you can’t do GREAT things, my friend,
    It matters not at all,
    If only you try to do in a GREAT way,
    Things that may seem so small!