Safe Swim Defense and Safety Afloat Training
These training sessions are now available on-line from National Council. Go to -
and take either or both courses. You will get a certificate when you complete the course.
Wood Badge For The 21st Century
Don’t your Scouts deserve the best?? Then they need a well-trained leader!! Start planning now on attending Wood Badge. My council does a course in the Fall. Some councils do courses in the Spring. There is a course in Minnesota in March!! Figure out what is best for you and find a course!!
Leadership Training Wood Badge is advanced training in leadership development. There are two parts to Wood Badge training: First you will learn a series of leadership skills in a six-day course which takes place over two weekends. During that time you will develop a set of goals, to be completed in the next 18 months. These goals, centered on your current Scouting position, are called a ticket. This combination of hands-on direct experience and application of leadership skills is incredibly effective.
Wood Badge has served as a source of training and inspiration to thousands of Scouters, who in turn have affected the lives of millions of America’s youth. Most participants also discover ways not only to use the leadership skills in their Scouting positions but also to better their personal lives.
For two 3-day weekends, you live, learn, and work with other Scouters, while being exposed to the leadership skills applicable to the development of both Scouters and Scouts. Through this living and working experience, you develop knowledge and practical understanding of these leadership skills. You will clarify what you want to accomplish in your Scouting position, and learn how to apply these skills to your Pack, Troop, Team, or Crew.
Subsequently, you practice these leadership skills to help make you successful in your Scouting position. A guide helps you as a resource, a councilor, and a friend and assists you in fully understanding what you learned from the course. Your Guide will help you to accomplish your goals in Scouting, by applying that understanding.