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Baloo's Bugle


March 2005 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 11, Issue 8
April 2005 Theme

Theme: Waterways of the U.S.A.
Family Member and Sportsman
  Tiger Cub:



The Six “Ships” of Scouting

Baltimore Area Council

A True Scouting Classic! CD

Arrangement:    6 Cub Scouts hold large cardboard cutouts of ships, on which have been printed the following words; SCHOLAR-SHIP; FELLOW-SHIP; FRIEND-SHIP; SPORTSMAN-SHIP; WORKMAN-SHIP; STATESMAN-SHIP on the front and their parts on the back in LARGE print.

Cubmaster:    Tonight, Den __ would like to tell you about the Six Ships of Scouting. These are ships that were launched to sail the Waterways of the USA – strong and mighty... ships that will last forever.

Cub # 1:   SCHOLAR-SHIP. This ship is very important on the Sea of Education. On her deck stand such officers as Ambition, Determination, Intelligence and Application. Her flag bears symbols of the letter “A” and the plus sign.

Cub # 2:   FELLOW-SHIP. This ship stands for good spirit, fine cooperation and never-failing unity. Its flag floats high - the flag of Scouting.

Cub # 3:   FRIEND-SHIP. This is the most handsome ship of all. It is true blue and its flag is golden - since friendship itself is golden.

Cub # 4:   SPORTSMAN-SHIP. This is the ship that’s fair and square.  It never veers from its course. Its flag is never at half-mast.

Cub # 5:   WORKMAN-SHIP. This ship’s every line, every part, every mast, represents the best that a person can give. Its flag wears a laurel wreath.

Cub # 6:   STATESMAN-SHIP. This ship represents wise guidance, constant counsel, unselfish interest and sincere endeavor. Its flag is white for purity.

Cubmaster:    And there you have six strong and sturdy ships to brave the Waterways of the USA. Three cheers for the Scouting ships!

Trailblazer Opening Ceremony

Baltimore Area Council

Arrangement:  Flags are advanced in the usual manner. Audience repeats Pledge of Allegiance. Flags are posted. Patriotic background music is played while narrator reads the following:

“Not gold, but only men can make
A nation great and strong.
Men who for truth and honor’s sake,
Stand fast and suffer long.
Brave men who work while others sleep,
Who dare while others shy.
They build a nation’s pillars deep,
And lift them to the sky. “

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Outdoor Code

Longhorn Council

SET UP: Poster with the Outdoor Code on it. Have parents repeat the outdoor code. Explain its meaning.

PACK:  As an American, I will do my best to be clean in my outdoor manners.

CUBMASTER: I will treat the outdoors as a heritage to be improved for our greater enjoyment. I will keep my trash and garbage out of America's waterways, fields and roadways.

PACK:  Be careful with fire.

CUBMASTER: I will prevent wildfire. I will build my fire in a safe place and be sure it is out before I leave.

PACK:   Be considerate of the outdoors.

CUBMASTER:  I will treat public and private property with respect. I will remember that use of the outdoors is a privilege I can lose by abuse.

PACK:    Be conservation minded.

CUBMASTER:   I will learn how to practice good conservation of soil, water, forests, minerals, grasslands and wildlife. I will urge others to do the same. I will use sportsman like methods in all my outdoor activities.

Now Sing "America, the Beautiful."

I Am The World

Longhorn Council

NARRATOR:  (Out of sight. Done in dramatic fashion) I am the world - Some call me Mother Nature.  I am the mountains and the valleys and the land and the seas. All living things exist in me from the birds of the air to the fish in the waters.  You see me in the beauty of the flowers and in the glory of the trees.  When ever you roam to see the wonders of the world, the animals and the plants, the moon and the stars and all that is pleasant to see, remember that man is the only one who can really keep this world of nature for the next generation to see  

CM: Ask Cubs and parents to recite together, "The Conservation Pledge":

I give my pledge, as an American,

To save and faithfully to defend from waste,

The natural resources of my country, its soil and minerals,

Its forests and waters, and its wildlife."

This can be done in a repeat after me fashion or together using a large poster in front of the room.  Or of you prefer, The Outdoor Code.  CD

Raingutter Regatta Opening

Baltimore Area Council

Set Up - Have the boatswain (a good whistler) give a long, drawn-out note, dropping to a lower tone near the end, to welcome the Skipper (Cubmaster) aboard. Cubmaster then calls for each ship’s crew section (Den) to give its Den yell. The entire crew (Pack) then stands, pledges allegiance to the flag and sings “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” as a round.

Safe Swim Opening

Voyageur Council

Arrangement:  Make card for each letter.  Write the line for each boy in LARGE print on the back.  The boys can carry water activity toys such as inner tubes, balls or snorkeling equipment.

Cub # 1:   S     S is for Scouts, we have fun.

Cub # 2:   A    A is for Activities, out in the sun.

Cub # 3:   F     F is for Friends, your buddies in the pool.

Cub # 4:   E     E is for Excitement, but keep your cool.

Cub # 5:   S     S is for Safety.  That must come first.

Cub # 6:   W    W is for Water, not only for thirst.

Cub # 7:   I      I is for Instructions we follow with care.

Cub # 8:   M    M is for Merriment we all love to share.

ALL        Putting them all together and we have SAFE SWIM. Let’s be safe and we will all win.

Spirit of Scouting

Setting: Before the opening ceremony, place a candle at one side of the stage or room but in view of everybody.  When the time for the opening ceremony, the Cubmaster make the following statement.

Cubmaster: (light candle) This candle represents the spirit of Cub Scouting.  It is going to burn throughout our meeting, representing the fun and friendship we have enjoyed together here.  Let’s all stand and give the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Cub Scout Fish Opening

Voyageur Council

Arrangement:  8 Cub Scouts holding cardboard pieces, which make a fish when put together.  Each part is lettered, so that all together they spell CUB SCOUT, C being the head of the fish and T the tail.  Each boy’s lines are written on the back of his card in LARGE print.

(Boys enter one at a time and repeat their lines in order.)

Cub # 1:   (Head of Fish) C is the part we build on.  It stands for COURTESY in Cub Scouting and all through life.

Cub # 2:   U is next.  This part stands for UNITY, because united we are strong.

Cub # 3:   B is the next added.  That stands for BRAVERY in all our thoughts and all our deeds.

Cub # 4:   S is next and that stands for SAFETY.  We learn it and use it.

Cub # 5:   C adds some more and it stands for CHURCH--the one of your choice.

·       is building it stronger, and it stands for OUTDOOR life, which is full of fun and adventure.

Cub # 6:   U is near the finish and it stands for UNDERSTANDING, something that all our families have.

Cub # 7:   (Tail of Fish) T is the tail that guides us.  It stands for TRUTH in all things.

All:          Will everyone rise and please join us in the Pledge of Allegiance?

Spyglass Flags Opening

Voyageur Council

A den of Cub Scouts, dressed in pirate costumes come to the front.  There is a container in front with a sign that says “sea water waves” to indicate they are out at sea.  One Cub is carrying a spyglass and one Cub is carrying a pirate flag.  The pirate flag is held high to show that they are proud of it.  The Cub with the spyglass points it toward the audience and looks around.  At the rear of the room, a color guard is waiting to present the American and pack flags.  The Cub gets a look of surprise on his face as he looks through the spyglass and sees the color guard.  He excitedly shows some of the other pirates and they take turns passing around the spyglass.

In unison they say:  Did you see that?  They have TWO flags, and they’re REALLY beautiful flags, too!

The Cubs all look down at the little pirate flag in disgust.  The Cub Scout holding the pirate flag tosses it into the “sea.”  All the pirates run off as the Cubmaster comes walking out.

Cubmaster:  Please stand for the presentation of the colors and join in the Pledge of Allegiance while Den ___ presents the great flag of our country and the pack flag.

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