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Baloo's Bugle


March 2004 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 10, Issue 8
April 2004 Theme

Theme: Cubservation
Webelos: Family Member & Sportsman
  Tiger Cub: Our Colorful World and Conservation



I Am Just One Quite Small Kid

By Carol Shaw Lord

Great Salt Lake Council

I am just one quite small kid,

I am only but a boy,

Yet what I do can make a difference,

My actions can bring pain or joy.


I can bring a smile to friends

With the smile upon my face.

I can help to keep my world

A clean and lovely, safer place.


I'm only one, but I am one;

When other people hear my voice,

Some may come and join my quest

If I make the better choice.

A Cub Scout’s Prayer

Barbara Haig, Pack 231,

 St. Sebastian Parish, Milwaukee, Wis.

Barbara wrote this prayer for the Home Alone theme but it could be used anytime.  And we need to encourage our Cubs in their Duty to God every chance we get.  CD

Hi God.  Thank you for being with me throughout this day. I know my family loves me and will be home later. So for now, it’s just you and me.

Touch my hands with good ideas that will keep me busy. When I’m bored, bring me awesome sparks of imagination. Remind me that TV and video games are fun for a while, but art projects and music let my own creativity soar.

Touch my legs with energy. When I’m lazy, bring me outside games and sports that keep me active. Remind me that many people can’t run and jump, and that fresh air contains life.

Touch my eyes with vision. When I see a mess, even if it isn’t mine, bring me the patience to clean it up. Remind me that books and puzzles also can provide great workouts.

Touch my ears with listening. When someone calls on the phone, bring me the wisdom to really hear what they need. Remind me that sometimes I need help, too.

Touch my mouth with flavor. When I need a snack, bring me healthy choices. Remind me that I’ll probably have dessert at lunch tomorrow, so fruit or peanut butter is fine for now.

Touch my mind with responsibility. When I forget what I’m supposed to do, bring me a hint. Remind me that homework and chores come first, but I will have time to play when I’m done.

Touch my heart with peace and comfort. When I am afraid, bring me courage. Remind me that I am strong, I can handle things pretty well, and I know who to call in an emergency.

Thanks, God. The key that opened the door to this empty house opens the way to your love, because I know you are always with me. Amen.


This three quotes came to me while preparing the final Pow Wow report and I wanted to share them with you.  CD

Nothing worthwhile was ever accomplished without the will to start, the enthusiasm to continue and, regardless of temporary obstacles, the persistence to complete. Waite Phillips

Somehow I can't believe there are many heights that can't be scaled by a man who knows the secret can be summarized in four Cs. They are curiosity, confidence, courage and constancy, and the greatest of these is confidence. When you believe a thing, believe it all the way. Have confidence in your ability to do it right. And work hard to do the best possible job. Walt Disney

The words "perseverance'' and stubbornness'' are not synonymous but it is distressing to observe that many people do not recognize the difference.  Waite Phillips

We Are Not Experts

Circle Ten Council

We are not experts. We're your next-door neighbors. We're not perfect, we are just parents like you. We don't have anymore spare time or energy than you do, we all work full time and juggle our families and our schedules and try to keep it all together as best we can. The only difference between us is that we believe in what Boy Scouting has to offer. So much so, that we contribute our time, our miles and our talents to help our sons and your sons grow in Scouting.

We complete authorization forms, budgets and registrations and fill our homes with boxes of paperwork that you will never see. We are required to take training the first year, as well as attend Roundtable meetings every month, so that we can meet our greatest challenge providing a variety of programs which meet the needs and interests of very individual boys. We try to involve parents who want us to understand that they don't have the time to drive on outings or help at meetings. We rejoice at the generosity of others. Sometimes we find ourselves going in too many directions. We run out of steam. We have memory lapses. Communication lines break down. Time slips by. But that doesn't mean we don't care.

So many evenings we spend on the phone, seeking advice and support from other leaders when disappointments or problems occur. "How do I keep my boy's attention?" "What are your ideas for the ceremony?" "How do you work with boys in three different grades?" Our dining tables are covered with bits of rope, menus, tour permits and merit badge cards for each and every boy in the troop. A couple of them won't show up and don't think to call and let us know. Sometimes we feel unappreciated. Yet, these boys can fill us with pride at their determination and accomplishments. Their smiles light up a room; and when they say "Thank You" it makes it all worth it. We help these boys build relationships. Some struggle more than others.

Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly - is encouraged by the Scout Oath and Law. And sometimes we too must learn these lessons over and over again with the boys. But we are willing to keep learning.

Please be patient if we appear distracted or frustrated or overwhelmed at times. Forgive us if we are not the kind of Boy Scout Leader you would be if you had the time.

Instead, provide us with encouragement or offer your help. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers. We are, after all, only mentors, role models, and leaders. Volunteers who have taken an oath to give these boys, your boys, the most precious gift we have to offer -- the gift of time.



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