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Baloo's Bugle


March 2004 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 10, Issue 8
April 2004 Theme

Theme: Cubservation
Webelos: Family Member & Sportsman
  Tiger Cub: Our Colorful World and Conservation




Cub Scouting Teaches Boys To Reach Out

Circle Ten Council

Cub Scouting provides opportunities for boys to "reach out" into a wider community while maintaining a link with more secure foundations such as the home, religious organization, and school. It helps boys become full members of their communities as they take part in service projects and other community-related activities. They get to know their community better and recognize the importance of good citizenship.

"Be all that you can be" The United Sates Army used these words as its recruiting slogan. They captured the feeling that an individual can truly achieve and grow through the Army way of life. These are also words for Scouters to ponder. What a shame it would be to leave a boy behind and not give them an opportunity to achieve all of their potential, because we did not reach out to them.

We have a responsibility to insure that boys in our neighborhood and community have the opportunity to join in this movement. This means that we reach out to them and make the Scouting program available.

Recruiting doesn't just happen. Below you will find some ways to help in your recruitment effort.

Boys Recruiting Boys:

·         Have a Pack Incentive

·         Provide a “prize” to every boy who brings a friend to your Cub Scout “Fun” Recruiting Activity. Recruiting patches are also available in the Center for Scouting Scout Shop.

·         “Prepare” your Scouts with information

·         Provide your Scouts with “mini-pocket” calendars, which they can give to their friends at school showing the activities your pack has planned for the year. You could also provide information on activities that your pack conducted last year. Sell the “Fun” of Scouting to boys.

·         Uniforms Worn to School

·         Have your Scouts wear their Cub Scout uniform to school the day of your “Fun” recruiting activity.

·         Conduct a “Bring a Buddy” Event

·         Boys, who bring a buddy” to a special “bring a buddy” event such as a swimming party, game of bowling, etc could be rewarded with a discounted admission fee to the activity or provided with a special recognition at the event.

Adults Recruiting Adults:

Determine which families are currently not in the Pack

After you determine which families from your school are not in the Pack, assign another member of the Pack to call that family and invite them to your special “Fun” Recruiting Activity. You can use last year’s school directory as a guide.

Sell the Parents on the Value of Scouting

Citizenship training, helping other people, positive adult role models, learning responsibility, etc. are characteristics which all parents what for their children. Let the parents know how Scouting helps children grow up into responsible adults.

Talk to Parents at your School’s Open House in the Fall

Set up a booth or demonstration at your school’s open house in August or September. Spend some time talking to parents about the “Values of Scouting” as they attend this school activity. Provide then with list of open positions and the Commitment for that position. One example is shown below.

One Year Commitment Working Primarily With Adults

Chartered Organization Representative

Committee Chairperson



Activities Chairperson

Advancement Chairperson

Membership Chairperson

Pack Newsletter Publisher

Pack Trainer

One Year Commitment Working Primarily With Youth


Assistant Cubmaster

Webelos Den Leader

Asst. Webelos Den Leader

Bear Den Leader

Asst. Bear Den Leader

Wolf Den Leader

Asst. Wolf Den Leader

Tiger Cub Den Leader

Asst. Tiger Cub Den Leader

One Time Commitment - Plan & Execute Single Activity

Scouting for Food Coordinator

Pack Fundraising Activity Coordinator

Fall Safe-Bicycling Activity Coordinator

Mid-Year Holiday Party Coordinator

Pinewood Derby Coordinator

Pinewood Derby Concessions Coordinator

Blue and Gold Banquet Coordinator

Friends of Scouting Coordinator

Spring Picnic Coordinator

Scout Show Coordinator

Scout Show Ticket Sales Coordinator

Cub Scout Day Camp Coordinator

Webelos Resident Camp Coordinator

Summertime Activities Coordinator

And of course you can always add a few of your own depending on your activities; e.g. Rain-gutter Regatta Skipper, etc.

Adult Recognitions

Longhorn Council

After you recruit new adults, you need to hold onto them.  Recognition is one of the best ways to keep them coming back. Here are some Innovative Recognition Awards to present to your leaders.  CD

SOLID AS A ROCK AWARD - For the person who is solid in the Scouting Program. Just find a rock and give it to the person. The rock can be a unique shape or it can be embellished for the occasion.

ORDER OF THE BEAR AWARD - FOR SOMEONE WHO HAS DONE A “BEARRY” GOOD JOB. - Draw a Bear on a piece of cardboard or glue a stuffed bear on a piece of wood.

YOU’RE TREMENDOUS - for someone who has done a tremendous job for you. Cut out a tree from green poster board and glue it on a piece of cardboard.

GOLDEN ACORN AWARD - for someone who’s either a little nutty or who has done an outstanding job for the Pack or Den. Glue an acorn that has been painted gold on a piece of wood.

NUTTIN IS BETTER THAN SCOUTING AWARD - this can be used as a general award or recognition for anyone who has done anything for Scouting. Glue an acorn peanut, walnut, etc. on a tongue depressor, orange juice can lid, or piece of wood.

WE COULD KNOT DO IT WITHOUT YOU AWARD - Tie a small square knot out of rope and glue it on a plaque.

STICK-IN-THE-MUD AWARD -This is for that special someone who hasn’t given their all or tried their best at something. This should be extremely light hearted, so as not to embarrass or belittle anyone. Put a small stick in the middle of brown clay.

DAY CAMP CHAIRPERSON OR DRIVERS - Buy a miniature mini-van or make one from cardboard and personalize it.

For more ideas on recognitions see the affirmations listed with the Good Egg Awards ceremony.  Many of these could be used for Adult Awards, too.  CD


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Materials found in Baloo's Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the material.

Materials found at the U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. Website ©1997-2004 may be reproduced and used locally by Scouting volunteers for training purposes consistent with the programs of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) or other Scouting and Guiding Organizations. No material found here may be used or reproduced for electronic redistribution or for commercial or other non-Scouting purposes without the express permission of the U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. (USSSP) or other copyright holders. USSSP is not affiliated with BSA and does not speak on behalf of BSA. Opinions expressed on these web pages are those of the web authors.