March Cub Scout Roundtable Issue
Volume 7, Issue 8
Save It For Us
Webelos Sportsman & Family Member
Tiger Big Ideas 14 & 15
One of the things I learned in doing Baloo's
Bugle is that I make mistakes. For
instance, Roy, a DC pointed out that in the "Passports to other
Land" issue the game Palito Verde was listed as a game from France.
The game is not from France. I
should have known that, but didn't! The
game is from South America, purportedly from Columbia.
I apologize for any confusion this has caused within your dens.
Most den leaders, I believe, are always on the
lookout for new ideas. And
sometimes these ideas come upon them in the most unusual way. I, too, am always on the look out for new ideas.
Due to a change in our insurance we now go to Lenscrafters for our
vision care. Today I went to
pick up my glasses. While at
our local Lenscrafters I read about a program they have called "The
Gift of Sight." This
program is all about folks donating to Lenscrafters their old glasses, when
they get new ones. They
recondition the glasses and give them to people who need them in poorer
countries where eye care is an absolute luxury.
So, thinking, "This is a great program," I decided to share
it with all the readers of Baloo's Bugle.
Many leaders are looking for charitable ideas to work into their
den/pack programs which are fairly easy to manage.
You can go to their site at to find out more
about their "Gift of Sight" program and then set up a time when
your pack can organize a day and pick up site for folks in your community to
donate their old glasses. This
is not an endorsement for Lenscrafter, just a plug for a worthwhile program
that they work together with the Lion's Club.
Just go to
Capital Area Council
April is a great month to focus on
Conservation! Earth Day is in April and this is your chance to help each
Scout work toward the Cub Scout World Conservation Patch. April is also a
great time to schedule service projects, like cleaning out flower beds and
gardens, or helping neighbors by planting vegetable gardens.
Spring is also a time
to look for new buds on trees and enjoy an array of blooming flowers and
shrubs. Birds return and, like our Scouts, they start looking for signs of
life in our forests, yards, and streams. Let's help our Scouts learn to
appreciate this beauty so that, as they grow, they will help save it for
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