March Cub Scout Roundtable Issue
Volume 7, Issue 8
Save It For Us
Webelos Sportsman & Family Member
Tiger Big Ideas 14 & 15
Idea #14--Family Games, Tricks & Puzzles
A Difference 97 Pow Wow
piece of paper and crayons
Give each person a piece of paper and have them make a drawing, keeping it
hidden from the other players. Make
the picture as complicated as possible, with lots of details covering the
entire surface. When all are
finished drawing, have them tear their picture into an agreed upon number of
pieces. The number depends on
the size of paper, but don't make pieces unreasonably small.
Everyone passes his puzzle to another player who tries to reassemble
Calendar Toss
a page from a large wall calendar, checkers or poker chips
Place the calendar page on the floor.
Have the boys stand at least 6 feet away and take turns tossing 3
checkers onto the calendar
page. When
everyone has tossed their checkers, have them total up their score.
The date they have landed on determines their number of points.
Tug of War
long rectangle piece of heavy paper, red marker, black
marker, blue marker, die, 2 game markers
Make a game board on a piece of paper.
Draw a straight line lengthwise through the middle of the board.
Place one white dot in the middle of the board.
On one side of the white dot place 6 red dots.
On the other side place 6 blue dots.
Two players sit at each end of the "rope".
One game piece is placed on the white circle to begin the game.
The players take turns rolling a die and moving the marker toward
their end of the "rope". Example:
If the player on the red end rolls a 4, he moves the marker four dots
toward his end. The player with
the blue circles then rolls a 5. He
moves the same piece back his way five dots. The winner is the first player
to move the marker to the end of his rope.
Big Idea #15--Fitness and Sports
Marble Golf
This 9 hole golf course is laid out around the
yard. Small tin cans are sunk
into the ground. One to four
players start off and shoot marbles. They
count the shots taken to get the marbles into the cans.
Hazards may be small brushes, lengths of drain spouts, tubes through
which the golfer must shoot, an upright 2 foot long board
with a 4 inch hole. For a water hazard, sink a tin pie plate or other suitable
container and fill with water. Use
flags made from paper triangles glued to popsicle sticks.
Golf rules should be observed in playing this game.
(The rules can be found in the Cub Scout Sports Book for Marbles.
Tail Feathers
The tail feathers are neckerchiefs tucked under
the belt in back, with at least 2/3 left hanging.
The idea is to snatch the tail from someone else's belt.
Play in a large area with designated boundaries.
The winner can either be the one who keeps his tail feather the
longest, or the one who collects the most tail feathers.
Balloon Volleyball Game
Boys divide into two teams.
Each team sits on the floor facing each other with their feet out in
front of them. The leader
tosses a balloon between the two teams.
Boys try to bat the balloon over the heads of the other team.
they succeed, they get one point.
The first team to reach ten points wins.
For variety, have the boys use only one hand, or toss two balloons.
Tiger Tail
This game is played like Duck, Duck, Goose.
Everyone sits in a circle, except for the one Tiger who is
"It". "It"
walks around the outside of the circle tapping each boy and saying:
"Tiger, "Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, Tiger Tail!"
The boy tapped as the Tiger Tail must get up and race "It"
around the circle back to the empty spot.
The person who doesn't get a seat is the next 'It".
Huff, Puff Tiger
Have Tigers stand or kneel
around a table so that they are all chin level with the table.
Place a ping pong ball in the center of the table.
All Tigers try to keep the ball from rolling off the edge of tghe
table by blowing hard to keep it in the middle of the table.
The person closest to the spot where the ball leaves the table is
out. In the end there will only be two Tigers blowing the ball
back and forth. One will
eventually prove to be the bigger "Blow Hard."
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Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that
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