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Baloo's Bugle

March Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 7, Issue 8

Save It For Us
Webelos Sportsman & Family Member
Tiger Big Ideas 14 & 15




From David Lyons


WEBELOS -to- Boy Scouts Bridging Ceremony
Del-Mar-Va Council


Props - 4 - 5 to 6 foot 4 X 4's for foundation or 2 X 6's notched to interlock

5 - 4 foot 2x10's - one plain, one yellow, one blue, one green, one red

All words are spoken by same person - Narrator, emcee, Cubmaster, whoever

WEBELOS leader, will you please place the first post on the stage in a North/South direction.  (WL places post)

WEBELOS Asst. leader, please place the second post on the stage three feet away from the first post in the North/South direction. (WA places post)

These two posts placed here are symbolic of the foundations of Scouting that these WEBELOS leaders have instilled in their WEBELOS Scouts through activities and outings as represented by the natural brown color.

Scout Master (name) and Assistant Scout Master or Senior Patrol leader), please place your posts in an East/West direction 3 feet apart over the North/South posts that are already in place.  (SM and SPL place posts)

As represented by the structure assembly, Boy Scouting will build on the Scouting foundation begun in WEBELOS.  These leaders have set the stage for bridging the boys from Cub Scouting into Boy Scouting.

WEBELOS Scout  (name), will you and your parents please bring the unfinished plank forward and place it across the east/west posts.  (Scout places plank)

This unfinished plank represents the boys as they arrived in Cub Scouting, full of potential but unfinished.

WEBELOS Scout  (name), will you and your parents please bring the blue plank forward and place it snuggly against the unfinished plank.  (Scout places plank)

This Blue plank represents the Wolf and Bear years of Cub Scouting where with the help of their parents the Scouts became true blue and loyal friends.

WEBELOS Scout  (name), will you and your parents please bring the gold plank forward and place it snuggly next to the blue planks.  (Scout places plank)

This Gold plank represents their golden years in Cub Scouting as Webelos learning important skills through activity badges and culminating in the Arrow of Light.

WEBELOS Scout  (name), will you and your parents please bring the green plank forward and place it next to the gold plank.  (Scout places plank)

This green plank represents their new beginning as Boy Scouts, who will soon be green Tenderfoot scouts, anxious to begin the Boy Scout trial toward Eagle.

WEBELOS Scout  (name), will you and your parents please place the final plank onto the bridge.  (Scout places plank)

This last plank is red the predominant color in the Eagle Scout Badge and represents the fact that as they step off the bridge from Cub Scouting to Boy Scouting  they are beginning of their journey to becoming Eagle Scouts.

Webelos entering Troop (number), please assemble with your parents at the unfinished board of the now completed Bridge of Scouting?

As we present you with your Pack graduation Certificate, will each parent please remove your sons Webelos neckerchief and slide. 

Scoutmaster invites boys across the bridge, calling each by name and (performing whatever ceremonies are customary for your pack and troop)

After all have crossed - Pack (number) please stand and show your pride to the new Boy scouts from this Pack. (Cheer (Blast Off), Applause)...

We are very proud of you all.


The Great Outdoors
Heart of America Council


Personnel: Cub aster & Assistant Cubmaster

Setting: Cardboard trees and bushes in the background. several boys and adults dressed in casual clothes  mill around, stand, then walk off.

Cubmaster: Did you see all those people hanging around the park?

Assistant Cubmaster: Yes, I wonder what they were doing?

Cubmaster: I don’t know who they were, but I know they were swimming, playing, cooking, resting and, above all, having Fun!

Assistant Cubmaster: Wow, I didn’t know you could do all that in the park!

Cubmaster: You know, enjoying the great outdoors may mean different things to different people.

Assistant Cubmaster: A young Bobcat starting his Cub Scouting adventure  may be like a young seed just starting to grow.  To him, the great outdoors may be just the property surrounding his house.

Cubmaster: His fun may be a swing set, a family BBQ or playing catch with Dad.  We have several Cub  Scouts who have earned the Bobcat rank.

Assistant Cubmaster: Will the following boys and their parents please join us in the great outdoors? (Read names)

Cubmaster: These Cubs, like a planted seed, have just started.  Parents, I give you the Bobcat badge to present to your sons. (Have Bobcats and parents go back to their seats)

A young wolf has gone beyond the Bobcat, like the seedling becoming a tree.  His great outdoors extends into his neighborhood.

Assistant Cubmaster: His fun could be bicycle riding, soccer games or visiting friends.  We have several Cub Scouts tonight who have earned the Wolf Badge, the second rank in Cub Scouting.  Will the following boys and their parents come out to the great outdoors?  (Read names)

Cubmaster: A Wolf Cub has accomplished more than the Bobcat.  His experiences, skills and knowledge have begun to extend beyond his home.  Parents, please present these Wolf badges to your sons.  Wolves and parents go back to their seats)

Assistant Cubmaster: The Bear Scout, the third rank in Cub Scouting, has continued up the Scouting trail beyond the Wolf.  He has become strong and straight as a young tree, not fully grown yet, but on his way. His backyard extends beyond his neighborhood into the town and country.

Cubmaster: His great outdoors could be fishing in a creek, a walk through town or a visit to a local park or zoo.  We have several Cub Scouts who have met the challenges of the Bear and who will receive their awards tonight.

Assistant Cubmaster: Will the following boys and their parents join us in the great outdoors?  (Read names)

Cubmaster: The Bear has matured and endured the challenges of the Cub Scout trail.  His experiences and knowledge are nearly complete.  His backyard is beyond his neighborhood.  Parents, please present these badges to your sons.  Bears and parents go back to their seats)

Assistant Cubmaster: The Webelos Scout is coming to the end of the Cub Scout trail.  He is a fully-grown tree in the Cub Scout forest.  He stands straight and tall.

Cubmaster: His great outdoors extends up and down the highways.  His activities might include boating on a lake, hiking in the woods and camping overnight.  We have several Cub Scouts here tonight who have met the Webelos challenges.

Assistant Cubmaster: Will the following boys and their parents join us in the great outdoors?   (Read names)

Cubmaster: The Webelos Scouts have almost completed the Cub Scout trail.  They are knowledgeable, skillful and confident.  Their great outdoors is almost limitless.  Parents, please present these badges to your sons.

Assistant Cubmaster: Please join us in congratulating these fine young Cub Scouts.


Inside Noah's Ark
National Capital Area Council

As we know, according to the story of Noah's Ark, Noah saved two of every kind of animal from the flood.  Among these animals were the Bobcat, Wolf, and Bear.

After the great flood, each of these animals began to repopulate the world and teach their young the ways of the Bobcat, Wolf, and Bear.  In much the same way, your parents, the Cub Pack, and Akela help teach each of you how to be a Cub Scout.

With your family, you learn the ways of the Bobcat.  The Bobcat is loyal to its family and follows the way of its pack, just like our Bobcats have learned to follow the Cub Scout Promise and the Law of the Pack.  Tonight, we welcome you and your parents as you take this first step on the Cub Scout Trail [Invite each Bobcat and his parents to step forward and receive the award].

The Wolf, like the Bobcat, taught his children to be brave and thoughtful; to not be afraid of new things, because learning makes the Wolf stronger.  Our Wolves have also been brave, as they have traveled to new places and learned new skills.  Tonight, we honor those Scouts who have earned the Wolf rank [Invite each Wolf and his parents to step forward and receive the award].

The Bear is an animal of great strength, good hunting skills, and great pride.  Our Bears should also have great pride in their accomplishments, as they have continued to learn, grow in strength and knowledge, gain new skills, and hunt for knowledge in new places.  Tonight, we ask those Scouts who have earned the Bear rank to continue in their growth as Scouts [Invite each Bear and his parents to step forward and receive the award].

Nature Advancement
National Capital Area Council


This little tree is a symbol of the natural beauty of our land. This tree also represents Scouting.  It takes a long time for a beautiful tree to grow and develop.  In the same way, a Cub Scout spends a lot of time and effort in advancing from rank to rank.  So do his parents who help him.  Tonight we will see how much prettier this Cub Scouting tree will be when we put some leaves on it.  Each of these leaves represents the time and effort put into the advancement work by our Cub Scouts and their parents.  Our Den Leaders also played a very important part in the advancement program, for without their support and help we could not have the opportunity to be in Cub Scouting.

Will the following boys and their parents, pleas come forward when called.  (Assemble all of them at the front of the Pack, also call up the Scouts' Den Leaders).  Each of you has helped nurture this tree.  Just as trees endure for many, many years, so the values you have gained from working on achievements, electives and activity badges will last you a lifetime.  May you always stand strong and tall like a tree - and be a beautiful resource for our land.  Thank you.


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