March Cub Scout Roundtable Issue
Volume 7, Issue 8
Save It For Us
Webelos Sportsman & Family Member
Tiger Big Ideas 14 & 15
Simon Kenton Council
Den Activities
Play a game of hazards.
Set up a room with several hazards.
Have boys come in and find as many hazards as possible.
Practice house cleaning skills by cleaning the
chartered organization areas. Be
sure to get per-
mission and ideas first.
Have a mother come in to the den meeting and
talk about clothes washing. Announce
that next week's meeting will be at the local Laundromat.
Each Scout is to bring a load of wash, soap, and change for the
washer and dryer. Practice ways
to fold laundry.
Invite a home economics teacher or dietician to
talk to your den. Perhaps your
den could also plan a week's worth of meals and visit a retail food
establishment to price the food required.
This would also cover a requirement in the Fitness Activity Badge.
Make outlet insulators.
Use foam meat trays, save at home or ask local grocery store for
some. Use outlet covers as
Invite a fireman to a den meeting to talk about
home safety. Perhaps he can
also provide you with a copy of a home inspection sheet.
Take a guided tour a waste disposal facility.
Invite an energy conservation engineer to give
a talk on energy. Tour an
energy conserving home that is built underground.
Make a list of fun activities that involve
little cost; do them over several meetings.
Invite someone from OSHA or a plant safety
committee to give a talk after touring a manufacturing facility.
Have a family relation's teacher visit and
Switch chores with another family member for a
Keep a personal budget for a month.
Visit with a local financial institution to
find out how the monetary system works and how saving money as a family unit
can be beneficial in the long run.
Contact the local public utility companies, or
the environmental control agency to find out how our natural resources can
be saved and what we can do as individuals within the family unit to
conserve energy.
Have the boys make their chart showing the jobs
that they and other family members have in their homes.
Have them bring the charts to the meeting and tell what jobs they are
taking on for the next two months, and how they will do them.
Before the boys inspect the home and grounds to
make a list of hazards or lack of security, you might want to talk over some
of the home hazards they may find.
You could also contact the Police Department
and ask if someone from Crime Prevention could attend one of your meetings
to talk about security in your home.
Make a contest out of making a list of things
for which families spend money. See
who can make the longest list. Talk about the list and see what important
expenses were omitted. Give one
point for each item. Most boys
will forget things like rent, utilities, car payments, stamps, insurance,
Have a contest - take a small piece of cloth
and a button, needle and thread.
He the boys sew a button on - judge the button that is sewn best.
Have a cooking contest. Have each boy cook one
dish and bring it to the meeting.
Be sure they can tell how they made the dish.
Have the boys fix a meal and invite the parents
to your meeting for a feast! In
the meal planning, they must plan the meal, shop for the food and then cook
Have a "Family" meeting at your den
meeting and have the boys show Cub Scout Spirit by doing their best to make
plans for the rest of the year, or at least three months.
You might invite a mother to show some cooking
skills to the boys or to explain recipes.
Have the boys use measuring spoons, cups, etc. Have them explain such terms as cream, braising, stewing, and
Plan a family game night - each family brings a
game and takes part in sharing the game with another family.
The boys could even "invent" games for the families to
It might be fun to have the boys make a recipe
book with their favorite recipes from home or a campout recipe book for den
campouts. This could include breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Have a meeting where boys try food that they
have never tasted before. Have
a "Taste It, You May Like It" party.
Personal Crest
A crest is a design signifying your name, and
some noteworthy deed performed by an ancestor.
Have your boys design their own crest, incorporating the initials of
their name, and some achievement. For
instance, if a boy's initials are J. O. T. and he is a baseball player, his
Crest might look like the one shown here.
Have each boy explain what their crest represents and reproduce it on
a foot locker, tool box, a box used to store baseball cards, a plaque, or on
paper for a book cover. Reproduce
it with acrylic paints or permanent markers and cover it with clear urethane
varnish or modge podge.

Sam Houston Area Council
not throw away those seemingly ruined clothes.
Let the Cubs try to save them.
Removal with a store-bought cleaner-ballpoint
pen ink, facial makeup, motor oil, rubber cement, wax:
(One of my favorite pen ink stain removers is using a cheap hair
spray on the ink spot--Baloo)
Put absorbent cloth or paper towel under
stained area.
Place chemical cleaner on stain.
Rub stain until it leaves the clothing and
passes into the material below.
Remove the absorbent material. Put cleaner on a
new cloth. Wipe around edges of
stain and toward center of stain.
Let dry. Reapply treatment if removal
Removal with water -
blood, ketchup, coffee and tea, dairy products, grass, mustard, soda pop:
Place absorbent cloth or paper towel
under stained area.
Rub stain gently with water.
If stain is persistent, rub in drops of detergent.
Rinse out detergent.
Remove absorbent material.
Wipe dry.
Family Facts
Sam Houston Council
Save your family memories and pass them on to
the next generation. Nothing
gives more enjoyment to a family than "REMEMBER WHEN". Children
learn who they are from their parents and grandparents.
To play FAMILY FACTS have each member of your family write out
questions that only your family would know - the more personal the better.
Who went to Canada on vacation?
What was this family's first pet?
Who broke their arm during the school play?
Who ran into the basketball standard
and chipped his front tooth?
What was the address of our first
When is Grandma's birthday?
When did dad graduate from high school?
Play in the car, home on a rainy day or at
family gatherings. For a
different twist, make up cards in categories -dates, people, places, events,
pets, vacations, etc., and play family trivial pursuit. Use the regular
Trivial Pursuit game, but substitute you family cards.
Family Finances
Sam Houston Council
Cubs are not aware of how their families spend money. Food, clothing and entertainment are obvious. Suggest to the
parents that they share the actual bills with their children and have them
add up the total cost. They will be amazed.
As the Cubs conduct the safety/energy checklist, encourage the
parents to discuss the cost of keeping the house in good repair, the cost of
water use, the cost of cooling and heating the house, etc. Then the Cubs will be better prepared to share in ideas for
saving money and they will be ready to develop a family energy-saving plan.
Family Conservation Project
Sam Houston Council
With the spring comes the opportunity to be
outdoors. Earn the World Conservation Award while recycling and developing
environmental awareness.
Materials found in Baloo's
Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that
Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the
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