March Cub Scout Roundtable Issue
Volume 7, Issue 8
Save It For Us
Webelos Sportsman & Family Member
Tiger Big Ideas 14 & 15
Sam Houston Area Council
Sports are high on the list of favorite things
to do for the Webelos Scout-age boys. You can be certain of instant interest
by most members of your den. Chances
are that they spend much of their leisure time in organized sports and
loosely organized neighborhood games. Some
of them probably know enough already about rules, scoring, and techniques
for several sports, so that they could pass those requirements immediately.
But that is not really enough!
One of the prime purposes of Cub Scouting is encouraging good
sportsmanship and pride in growing strong in mind and body. If your Cubs
learn all the skills and rules involved in every sport this month, but do
not get an inkling of what good sportsmanship means, then the den, and you,
have wasted your time.
Agree on the importance of learning
sportsmanship. What does it
mean in practice? It means that
the least skilled gets just as much instruction and encouragement as the
best athlete. It means that the
better athletes learn not just to tolerate the awkward boy, but to help him.
It means that all boys can win and lose with grace and good
Your own example will help to achieve these
goals. Stress the fun of the
game, not the winning. When you
have intra-den competition, compose the teams so that the strength is about
even. If you let Cubs choose
teammates, there is a good chance that most of the good players will wind up
on one team. Encourage the less
skillful players. Discourage
others from belittling them. Sports
in a Webelos den should be fun for all.
Sportsman Thought
Where does a sports star get his skills?
What is the formula for winning honors?
It is simple, you earn them! To earn something, you work, and if you
want to be a winner, expect to work. Getting
to be good often means lots of practice.
You will need determination and spirit to follow any training
program. If your big sports
thing is baseball, then throwing, catching, base running and hitting are the
four big skill areas. All of them can be practiced alone if you have an automatic
pitching machine. Otherwise,
you can have someone pitch to you. Determine
to be a winner and then just practice hard.
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