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This song tells a story, so it's very important that the characters 

are ALL represented in this order. Mister Sulu is at the helm, Lt. 

Uhura monitoring the sensors, Spock is turned to for analysis, Dr. 

McCoy is asked "Is it Radiation, Dr. McCoy? we then turn  to the 

engineer, Mr. Scott for more power, and finally Captain James Tiberius 

Kirk is forced to lead a  landing party. Before beginning, the audience 

is divided into six sections, one for each character.   


Star Trekkin' across the universe, on the Starship Enterprise, 

under Captain Kirk. 

Star Trekkin' across the Universe, Always goin' forward, 

'cause we can't find reverse!  

Mr. Sulu:   


The Enterprise is slowing down, slowing down, slowing down.   

The Enterprise is slowing down, slowing down, Jim!  

Lt. Uhura:  


There's Klingons on the starboard bow, Starboard bow, starboard bow.

There's Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow, Jim! 

Mr. Spock:  


It's life Jim, but not as we know it, not as we know it, not as we  

know it.  

It's life Jim, but not as we know it, not as we know it, Captain.  

Dr. McCoy:  


It's worse than that, he's dead,

Jim. dead, Jim, dead Jim. 

It's worse than that, he's dead,

Jim.  Dead, Jim, dead!  

Engineer Scott:

(In your best Scottish accent)

You cannot change the laws of   

physics, laws of physics,

laws of physics. 

You cannot change the laws of   

physics, laws of physics, Jim!   

Captain Kirk:   


We Come in Peace (shoot to kill!)   

Shoot to kill, shoot to kill.   

We Come in Peace (shoot to kill!)   

Shoot to kill, men! 


(To the tune of George Root's Battle Cry of Freedom)

Mary had a little lamb, 

It's fleece was white as snow,  

Shouting out the battle cry of freedom.

And everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go,

Shouting out the battle cry of freedom. 



Hurrah for Mary, hurrah for the lamb,

Hurrah for the teacher, who didn't give a particle,

If all the lambs in Oregon came marching into school,

Shouting out the battle cry of freedom.



Mary had a little lamb, it's fleece was black as soot,   

Shouting out the battle cry of freedom.

And everywhere that Mary went, it's sooty foot he put,

Shouting out the battle cry of freedom.



Mary had a little lamb, she put it on the shelf,

Shouting out the battle cry of freedom. 

And every time it wagged it's tail it spanked it's little self,

Shouting out the battle cry of freedom.



Mary had a little lamb, she tied it in the closet,

Shouting out the battle cry of freedom.

And every time it turned around, it left a little deposit,

Shouting out the battle cry of freedom.



Mary had a little lamb, she tied it to the heater,

Shouting out the battle cry of freedom.

And every time it turned around,

it burned it's little seater,

Shouting out the battle cry of freedom.



Mary had a little lamb, you've heard this tale before,

Shouting out the battle cry of freedom.

But have you heard she passed the plate and had a little more,

Shouting out the battle cry of freedom.



Mary had a little lamb, but now the lamb is dead,

Shouting out the battle cry of freedom.   

Poor Mary takes the lamb to school,

between two hunks of bread,

Shouting out the battle cry of freedom.   


To the tune of "Finiculee Finicula"

One day I took with me upon the subway,

My Boy Scout Hat, My Boy Scout Hat. 

I laid it down upon the seat beside me,  

My Boy Scout Hat, My Boy Scout Hat. 

A big Scoutmaster came and sat upon it.   

My Boy Scout hat, he squashed it flat!  

A big Scoutmaster came and sat upon it.

My Boy Scout Hat, he squashed it flat! 

Christopher Columbus! Now what do ya' think of that?  

A big Scoutmaster sat upon my hat.  

My hat he broke, and that's no joke!

My hat he broke and that's no joke! 

Cristopher Columbus! Now what do ya' think of that?  


I've got sixpence, jolly, jolly sixpence, 

I've got sixpence to last me all my life.

I've got tupence to spend and tupence to lend, 

and tupence to   send home to my wife, poor wife.  


No cares have I to grieve me,   

No pretty little girls to deceive me,  

I'm happy as a lark, believe me,

As we go rolling rolling home.  

Rolling home, (rolling home),   

Rolling home, (rolling home),   

By the light of the silvery moon,   

Happy as the day, that we line up   

for our pay, as we go rolling,

rolling home. 

I've got fourpence, jolly, jolly fourpence,

I've got fourpence to last me all my life.  

I've got tupence to spend and tupence to lend, 

and no pence to  send home to my wife, poor wife.  


I've got tupence, jolly, jolly  

tupence, I've got tupence to last me all my life. 

I've got tupence to spend and no pence to lend, 

and no pence to send home to my wife, poor wife.  


I've got no pence, jolly, jolly no pence, 

I've got no pence to last  me all my life.   

I've got no pence to spend and no pence to lend, 

and no pence to send home to my wife, poor wife.  


I love to go a-wandering along the mountain track,   

And as I go, I love to sing,

My nap-sack on my back. 

Valderee, valderah, Valderee, valderah ha ha ha ha ha.  

Valderee, valderah, my nap-sack on my back.  

I love to wander by the brook that dances in the sun.  

So joyously it calls to me, Come join my happy fun. 

Valderee, valderah, Valderee, valderah ha ha ha ha ha.  

Valderee, valderah, my nap-sack on my back.  

I wave my hat to all I meet, and they wave back to me, 

And blackbirds call so loud and sweet, from every greenwood tree.   

Valderee, valderah, Valderee, valderah ha ha ha ha ha.  

Valderee, valderah, my nap-sack on my back.  

Oh, may I go a-wandering, until the day I die,

Oh may I always laugh and sing, 

Beneath God's clear blue sky.   

Valderee, valderah, Valderee, valderah ha ha ha ha ha.  

Valderee, valderah, my nap-sack on my back.  


(Tune:"On Wisconsin")

Trail the Eagle, Trail the Eagle,

Climbing all the time.

First the Star, and then the Life,

Will on your bosom shine.

Keep climbing!

Blaze the trail and we will follow,

Hark the Eagle's call;

On, brothers, on until we're Eagles all.


For this song the leader sings the first line and the audience 

answers back with the question. Then the leader answers with the 

new verse followed by the previous ones as in the "twelve days of 



I'll sing you one ho.   

Green grow the rushes, ho, what is  

your one ho?

One is one and all alone and ever   

more shall be it so!

I'll sing you two ho.   

Green grow the rushes, ho, what is  

your two ho?

Two, two lilly white boys clothed   

all in green, ho. And one is on and 

all alone and ever more will be it  


3. Three, three arrivals.

4. Four for the gospel makers. 

5. Five for the symbols at your door.   

6. Six for the six proud walkers.  

7. Seven for the seven stars in the sky.

8. Eight for the April rainers.

9. Nine for the nine bright shiners.

10. Ten for the ten commandments.

11. Eleven for the 'leven that went to heaven.  

12. Twelve for the twelve Apostles.   



There are snakes, snakes, snakes,   

Big as garden rakes,

At the store, at the store. 

There are snakes, snakes, snakes,   

Big as garden rakes,

At the Quartermaster's Store


My eyes are dim, I can not see, I   

have not brought my specks with me.   

I have not brought my specks with me.   

There are mice, mice, mice, 

Running through the rice... 

There are rats, rats, rats, 

As big as alley cats... 

There are spiders, spiders, spiders,  

Swimming in the cider...

There are fleas, fleas, fleas,  

Landing on the cheese...

There are bats, bats, bats, 

Bigger than the rats... 

There are beavers, beavers, beavers,  

Running from the cleavers...

There are eagles, eagles, eagles,   

Chasing all the beagles...  

There are foxes, foxes, foxes,  

Sitting on the boxes... 

There are owls, owls, owls, 

Eating paper towels...  

There are bears, bears, bears,  

With curlers in their hair...   

There was butter, butter, butter

Scraped up from the gutter, 

There was gravy, gravy, gravy,  

Enough to sink the navy ... 

There were tables, tables, tables,  

With legs like Betty gables ... 

There were chairs, chairs, chairs,  

Floating down the stairs ...

There were lice, lice, lice,

packaged up like rice ...   

There were ants, ants, ants,

Wearing rubber pants ...

There were kippers, kippers, kippers,  

That go about in slippers ...   

There was cake, cake, cake, 

That gave us tummy ache ... 

There were beans, beans, beans, 

As big as submarines ...

There were eggs, eggs, eggs,

That walk about on legs ... 

There were turtles, turtles, turtles,  

Wearing rubber girdles ...  


One finger one thumb, one hand,

Keep moving.

One finger one thumb, one hand,

Keep moving.

One finger one thumb, one hand,

Keep moving.

And we'll all be happy today!

One finger one thumb, one hand, Two

hands, keep moving.

One finger one thumb, one hand, Two

hands, keep moving.

One finger one thumb, one hand, Two

hands, keep moving. And we'll all

be happy today!

(Add one at a time) One arm, Two

arms, One leg, Two legs.


(Tune: "Auld Lang Syne")

On mules we find two legs behind

And two we find before; We stand

behind before we find What the two

behind be for. When we're behind

the two behind We find what these

be for; So stand before the two

behind, And behind the two before.


(Tune: "If You're Happy and You Know It") 

Oh, I wish I were a little bar of soap. 

Oh, I wish I were a little bar of soap. I would slippy 

and I'd slidey,  Over everybody's hidey. 

Oh, I wish I were a little bar of soap. 

Oh, I wish I were a little hunk of mud.  

Oh, I wish I were a little hunk of mud.  

I would ooey and I'd gooey, 

Under everybody's shoey.

Oh, I wish I were a little hunk of mud. 

 Oh, I wish I were a little can of pop.  

Oh, I wish I were a little can of pop.  I'd 

go down with a slurp, and come up with a burp.   

Oh, I wish I were a little can of pop.  

Oh, I wish I were a little slippery root. 

Oh,  I wish I were a little slippery root. 

I would sit upon the trail, 

And knock everyone on his tail. 

Oh, I wish I were a little slippery  root. 

Oh, I wish I were a little mosquito. 

Oh, I wish I were a little mosquito. 

I'd buzzy and I'd bitey,

Under everybody's nighty.   

Oh, I wish I were a little mosquito. 

Oh, I wish I were a little bitty orange.   

Oh, I wish I were a little bitty orange.   

I'd go squirty, squirty, squirty,   

Over everybody's shirty.

Oh, I wish I were a little bitty orange. 


The other day, (group repeats)  

I met a bear, (group repeats)   

In tennis shoes, (group repeats)

A dandy pair. (group repeats)   

(All) The other day I met a bear, 

In tennis shoes a dandy pair.   

Continue in a similar manner with:  

He said to me, "Why don't you run,  

Because you ain't got any gun." 

And so I ran, away from there, But  

right behind me, was that bear. 

Ahead of me there was a tree, A 

big, big, tree, Oh glory be!

The nearest branch was ten feet up, 

I'd have to jump and trust my luck. 

And so I jumped, into the air, But  

I missed that branch, on the way up there.  

Now don't you fret, now don't you   

frown, 'Cause I caught that branch, 

on the way back down.   

The moral of, this story is Don't   

talk to bears, in tennis shoes. 


The prettiest girl, (repeat)

I ever saw, (repeat)

Was sippin' ci-(repeat) 

Der through a straw.  (repeat)  

(All) The prettiest girl I ever saw,  

Was sippin' cider through a straw.  

Continue in a similar manner:   

I said to her, "What ya doin' that  

fer, A sippin' ci-der through a 


First cheek to cheek, then jaw to   

jaw, We both sipped ci-der through  

a straw.

Every now and then, that straw  

would slip, And I sipped ci-der 

through her lips.   

That's how I got my mother in law,  

By sippin' ci-der through a straw.  

Now forty-nine kids, all call me

Pa, From sippin' ci-der through a straw.

The moral of this sad, sad, joke,   

Is don't sip ci-der sip a Coke. 


Tune: "Yankee Doodle Dandy"

TRUSTY Tommy was a Scout, LOYAL to his mother, HELPFUL to the 

folks about, and FRIENDLY to his brother. 

COURTEOUS to the girls he knew, KIND unto his rabbit, OBEDIENT 

to his father too, and CHEERFUL in his habits. 

THRIFTY saving for a need, BRAVE, but not a faker, CLEAN in thought 

and word and deed, and REVERENT to his Maker.  


1) In 1814 we took a little trip,   

Along with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississipp'   

We took a little bacon and we took a little beans,  

And we met the bloody British near the town of New Orleans. 


We fired our guns and the British kept a comin'.   

There wasn't nigh as many as they was a while ago. 

We fired once more and they begin to runnin',  

On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.   

2) We looked down the river and we see'd the British come...

There must have been a hundred of 'em beatin' on the drum. 

They stepped so high and they made their bugles ring;   

While we stood beside our cotton bales and didn't say a thing.


3) Old Hickory said we could take 'em by surprise. 

If we didn't fire a musket till we looked 'em in the eyes.  

We held our fire till we see'd their faces well;

Then we opened up our squirrel guns and really gave 'em--Well. 



4) They ran through the briars and they ran through the brambles, 


And they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn't go.  

They ran so fast that the hounds couldn't catch 'em   

'em, On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.  


5) We fired our cannon till the barrel melted down,  

So we grabbed an alligator and we poured an other round.   

We put the ball between his teeth and powdered his behind, 

And when we touched the powder off the 'gator lost his mind.


6) They ran through the briars and they ran through the brambles, 


And they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn't go.  

They ran so fast that the hounds couldn't catch 'em,  

On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.   


The Lord told Noah' there's gonna be a floody, floody.  

The Lord told Noah' there's gonna be a floody, floody.  

Get those animals out of the muddy, muddy,

Children of the Lord.   


Oh rise and shout and give God your glory, glory. 

Oh rise and shout and give God your glory, glory. 

Oh rise and shout and give God your glory, glory. 

Children of the lord.   

So Noah, he built him, he built him an arky, arky.

So Noah, he built him, he built him an arky, arky.

Built it out of Hickory barky,  barky.

Children of the Lord.   


The animals they came on, they came 

on by twosies, twosies.   

The animals they came on, they came 

on by twosies, twosies.

Elephants and kangaroosies, roosies.  

Children of the Lord.   


It rained and poured for forty  daysies, daysies. 

It rained and poured for forty  daysies, daysies. 

All most drove those animals crazy, crazy.

Children of the Lord.   


The sun came out and dried up the landy, landy. 

The sun came out and dried up the landy, landy. 

Everything was fine and dandy,  

dandy Children of the Lord.   



Divide the group into two halves.   

Sing the song through once. Keep

one group singing "oompah" and  

start the second group singing  

"ging gang goolee. When the second  

group comes to "hayla" the entire   

group sings together. Then switch   

parts. At the last shally wally,

stop at Oom. (cut off cold) 

Ging gang goolee, goolee, goolee,   

goolee, watcha,   

Ging gang goo, ging gang goo.   

Ging gang goolee, goolee, goolee,   

goolee, watcha,   

Ging gang goo, ging gang goo.   

Ohh, hayla, oh hayla shayla,

Hayla shayla, shayla,   

Oh ho Hayla, oh hayla shayla,   

Hayla shayla, shayla, oh.   

Shally wally, Shally wally, 

Shally wally, Shally wally, 

Oompah, Oompah, Oompah, Oompah. 


Sing chorus between each knock  knock joke. 

Stay on the sunny side, Always on   

the sunny side, Stay on the sunny   

side of life. You'll feel no pain   

as we drive you insane, If you'll   

stay on the sunny side of life. 

Knock! Knock!   

Who's there?


Dwain who?  

Dwain the bathtub I'm dwowning. 

Knock! Knock!   

Who's there?


Tick who?   

Tick 'em up I' a tongue-tied wobber 

Knock! Knock!   

Who's there?


Chesterfield my leg and I had to

slap him.   

Knock! Knock!   

Who's there?

Pink Panther.   

Pink Panther who?   

Pink Panther not my thtyle. 

Knock! Knock!   

Who's there?

Abraham Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln who?

Don't you know who Abraham Lincoln  


Knock! Knock!   

Who's there?

George Washington.  

George Washington who?  

You really don't know much, do you? 

Knock! Knock!   

Who's there?


Urinalysis who? 

You're in Alice's Restaurant.   

Knock! Knock!   

Who's there?


Ether who?  

Ether bunny.

Knock! Knock!   

Who's there?


Nother who? 

Nother ether bunny. 

Knock! Knock!   

Who's there?


Stella who? 

Stella nother ether bunny.  

Knock! Knock!   

Who's there?


Consumption who?

Consumption be done about all these 

ether bunnies.  

Knock! Knock!   

Who's there?


Cargo who?  

Cargo beep beep and run over all

the ether bunnies.  

Knock! Knock!   

Who's there?


Boo who?

Don't cry, ether bunny be back next year. 

Knock! Knock!   

Who's there?


Amos who?   

A mosquito bit me.  

Knock! Knock!   

Who's there?


Stella who? 

Stella nother mosquito bit me.  

Knock! Knock!   

Who's there?


Andy who?   

Andy nother mosquito bit me.

Knock! Knock!   

Who's there?


Consumption who?

Consumption be done about all these 


Knock! Knock!   

Who's there?


Oswald Who? 

Oswald my gum.  

Knock! Knock!   

Who's there?


Sara Who?   

Sara doctor in the house?   

Knock! Knock!   

Who's there?


Adolph who? 

Adolph ball hit me in the mouth and 

that's why I talk this way. 

Knock! Knock!   

Who's there?

Little old lady.

Little old lady who?

I didn't know you could yodel!  

Knock! Knock!   

Who's there?


Gladys who? 

Gladys Friday.  

Knock! Knock!   

Who's there?


Orange who? 

Orange you glad its almost over?

Knock! Knock!   

Who's there?


Dishes who? 

Dishes the end. 


Tune: "The twelve days of Christmas"

On the first day of summer camp My  

mother sent to me... A box of   

oatmeal cookies.

On the second day of summer camp My 

mother sent to me... Two T-shirts,  

And a box of oatmeal cookies.   

On the third day of summer camp My  

mother sent to me... Three pairs of 

socks, Two T-shirts, And a box of   

oatmeal cookies.

On the fourth day of summer camp My 

mother sent to me... Four woolen

caps, etc.  

Five underpants, 

Six postage stamps, 

Seven nose warmers, 

Eight Batman comics,

Nine bars of soap,  

Ten Band-aids,  

Eleven shoestrings, 

Twelve bottles of insect repellent, 


What do you do with a sleepy


What do you do with a sleepy


What do you do with a sleepy camper 

Early in the morning?   


Way hey late, ye risers. Way hey late, ye risers.  

Way hey late, ye risers.

Early in the morning.   

Pull him out of bed with a running  bowline.  

Pull him out of bed with a running  bowline.  

Pull him out of bed with a running  

bowline Early in the morning. 


Throw him in the lake with his  pants on backwards.   

Throw him in the lake with his  pants on backwards.   

Throw him in the lake with his  pants on backwards

Early in the morning.   


Put him in to bed an hour sooner.   

Put him in to bed an hour sooner.   

Put him in to bed an hour sooner.   

Early in the evening.   

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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