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Song - Alice the Camel


Alice the camel has three Humps
Alice the Camel has three humps
Alice the Camel has three humps
So go alice, Go

Alice the camel has two humps
Alice the camel has two humps
Alice the camel has two humps
So go Alice, Go
Boom, Boom, Boom

Alice the camel has one hump
Alice the camel has one hump
Alice the camel has one hump
So go alice, Go

Alice the camel has no humps
Alice the camel has no humps
Alice the camel has no humps
'Cause Alice is a horse!


Everyone must get in as close to a circle as possible and put their arms over the shoulders of the people next to them. Then during the saying of each number of humps everyone bends at the knees. During the lines Boom, Boom, Boom then everyone bangs hips against each other. Nothing dangerous of course.

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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