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Baloo's Bugle

September 2006 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 13, Issue 2
October 2006 Theme

Theme: Cub Scout Shipbuilders
Webelos: Citizen & Showman
Tiger Cub


Baltimore Area Council

Undersea Applause: Hold your nose with one hand, hold the other hand over your head and raise three fingers one at a time as you say, “Glug, glug. glug.”

Ocean Applause: (Best done with a big group where you have at least four rows of chairs.) Have the whole group stand, start the first row swaying from side to side, have the second row sway in opposite direction as the first, the third row sways with the first and the fourth row sways with the second. Have the audience sing “Sailing, sailing, over the bounding main!” Stop them by yelling, “Stop! You’re making me seasick!”

Fish Yell: Open and close you mouth like a fish several times but don’t make any sound

Clam Applause I: Put your hands together with palms cupped. Holding one side tight together, clapping by opening and closing the other side.

Clam Applause II: Raise both hands overhead.  Four fingers on top touching thumb below.  Have clams slowly open and close by raising the four fingers and then lowering them to touch the thumb again.  Usually done three times.

Sam Houston Area Council

Noah Cheer:  Two Cubits, Four cubits, Six cubits, a fathom...

Cap’n Bligh Cheer:  AAAAARGH Mateys!

Pop-eye Cheer:  (squeeze a can of spinach and make a face) Uk Uk Uk Uk

Captain Ahab Cheer:  (brandish a harpoon)  Moby!  Moby!  Moby Grape! (throw the harpoon)

Regatta Run-On
Baltimore Area Council

Maybe you want to do this one the month before your Raingutter Regatta CD

One by one, Cubs walk on stage holding a piece of white paper in front of them, blowing on it The Cubmaster comes on stage, scratches his head, and asks what they are doing. They reply that they are practicing for the Raingutter Regatta. All leave stage.


Things that make you go Hmm:
Sam Houston Area Council

  • If you put a sheet over your head and go Trick or Treating, are you a ghost or a mattress?
  • Why didn’t Noah swat those two mosquitoes?


Knot Demonstration
Long Beach Area, Verdugo Hills, San Gabriel Valley Councils

A person comes out with a length of rope.  He proceeds to give a knot demonstration some of which do not turn out the way he expects. He has creative and imaginative names for his knots such as the double hitch back loop tie, clove hitch with a triple loop bight, etc.  The last knot he ties is one that he says that a person can't loosen.  The more they try to loosen the knot the more it tightens.  He announces he is going to demonstrate a temporary version of this knot around his neck.  He pulls on the knot when he is finishes and exclaims, "Oh no, I've tied the wrong knot, I've tied the permanent version, and leaves the stage choking.


Baltimore Area Council

Why do fish have schools?
              So all the buoys and gulls can get an education.

What is the first thing the fisherman caught after running to the river?               His breath.

What do octopuses take on camping trips?        Tent-acles.

What do sea monsters eat?             Submarine sandwiches.


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