May 2005 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue |
Volume 11, Issue 10
June 2005 Theme |
Theme: Destination Parks
Webelos: Traveler & Artist
Tiger Cub Activities |
Picnic at the Park
Greater St. Louis Area Council
You will need 6-8 Cub Scouts with paper sacks.
Setting: Skit opens with boys standing together at the park. Cardboard cutout trees and bushes could be used.
CUB 1: Gee, there’s nothing to do.
CUB 2: Yeah, I know.
CUB 3: Hey, let’s have a backyard picnic.
ALL: Yeah!
CUB 4: But it’s going to rain.
Cub 1: I don’t think so. If it does, we can eat in the house.
CUB 2: I’ll bring the potato chips.
CUB 3: I’ll bring the hot dogs.
CUB 4: I’ll bring the hot dog buns.
CUB 5: I’ll bring the drinks.
CUB 6: And I’ll bring something special!
(All walk off stage and come back carrying sacks)
CUB 2: Here are the chips.
CUB 3: Here are the hot dogs.
CUB 4: Here are the hot dog buns.
CUB 5: Here are the drinks.
CUB 6: (Drops his sack) Oh No!
CUB 5: What’s wrong?
CUB 6: I brought the ants!!!
Hiking - The Scouting Way
Piedmont Council
Boys are on stage. They don’t look ready for anything.
Den Chief: Okay, guys. Is everybody ready to go hiking?
(Boys start hiking up their socks.)
Den Chief: What are you doing? I said HIKING! Are you ready to go HIKING?
Boys: Yes, we're hiking up our socks, our shorts, you know....
Den Chief: NO, NO, NO! Hiking, Hiking, don't you know HIKING!
Boys: Oh, yes.
1st Boy: (Takes football from behind his back; boys line up to begin to play.)
Hike one...hike two...hike three.
Den Chief: NO, NO, NO, HI-KING, HI-KING. Come on guys. Get with it!
2nd Boy: (Walks with crown on head)
Boys: Hi, King!
Den Chief: NO, NO, NO!, Hiking, walking, Scout stuff - You know - hiking!
Boys: Oh why didn't you say so? (Walk off stage hiking.)
All Boys: sing – “A Hiking we will go. A Hiking we will go.” Then lots of conversation about fresh air, color of trees, blue sky, what a great time they will have hiking, etc.
Dad comes along in car, stops and leans out window
Boys: Oh hi, Mr. _____. What are you doing out here?
Dad: Any one for ice cream?
All boys pile into the car acting wildly excited.
How Far ??
Piedmont Council
Personnel: Any number of boys
Equipment: Pedometer (can be an oversized prop for effect)
Setting: Boys are heaped in a pile - looking worn out after a long hike.
Cub # 1: Wow, that was a long hike.
Cub # 2: We sure walked a long time!!
Cub # 3: Did you see all those trees?
Cub # 4: The bear sure was neat!!
Continue on until all boys have added an experience until you get to the last boy.
Last Cub: How far did we walk?
Den Chief: (checks pedometer) It looks like about 2 blocks!
Greater St. Louis Area Council
Setting: A Cub Scout happens across a set of tracks on the ground and tries to identify them. Cub 1 enters and notices a set of tracks on the ground. He scratches his head.
CUB 1: Hmmm, a set of tracks. I wonder what kind of tracks these are.
(Cub 2 enters and looks down at the ground.)
CUB 2: What are you looking at?
CUB 1: I found this set of tracks here and I am trying to figure out what kind they are. I think they are wolf tracks.
CUB 2: Nope, you’re wrong. They look like bear tracks to me.
CUB 1: No, they’re wolf tracks!
CUB 2: No, they’re bear tracks!
If you have more Scouts – add Webelos Tracks, Tiger tracks, maybe Lion Tracks for us old timers CD
Have the Scouts begin to argue about what kind of tracks they are.
A train enters (use 3 or more scouts to be the train) and runs over the two scouts.)
All: Hmph! I guess they were railroad tracks!
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