May 2005 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue |
Volume 11, Issue 10
June 2005 Theme |
Theme: Destination Parks
Webelos: Traveler & Artist
Tiger Cub Activities |
Let’s Go For a Hike
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach & Verdugo Hills Councils
Wanna go on a hike with me? Okay! Just say as I say and do as I do.
I think I’ll go on a hike.
Let’s pack. (Act as if putting things in a backpack and then put the backpack on your back.)
Out the door. (Open the door, step outside and close the door behind you.)
Down the street! (Slap hands on thigh to make “stepping” noise - slow the pace.)
Awfully big town! (Look around while “walking”.)
Out in the country at last! (Pick up the pace a little, but not running.)
Here’s a river. (Keep walking.)
And there’s a bridge. (Hold onto handrail as you cross the bridge.)
Here’s a field. Let’s cut across it. (“Swish” your hands together with forwards/backwards motions.)
Oats? No. Tall grass! (Resume walking.)
Hey there’s a stream. (Look up and down the stream.)
Shucks, no bridge. We’ll have to jump. (Slap hands quickly on thighs as running motion, then throw hands in the air as if jumping. Land with a slap on thighs.)
Back on the trail. (Walking again.)
Hey! Where are we? Lost! (Slow walk, stop, slow walk, stop.)
There’s a tree! (Run to tree and make hand over hand climbing motion.)
Don’t know where we are, but I see a cave on the hill. (Hand above eyes as if straining to see far away and then point to a cave.)
Let’s go see it! (Climb down tree)
Let’s go in. (Slow groping motions with hands as if blind.)
This side’s cold. (Feel wall on left.)
This side’s wet. (Feel wall on the right.)
Hey look. There’s a light! (Squint and point with one finger.)
And another light! (Point with two fingers.)
Hey, they’re not lights! They’re eyes. BEAR’s eyes! (Raise hands in shock.)
It’s a BEAR! Let’s get outta here! (Using “running” slaps, run, climb up/down tree, run, jump stream, swish through tall grass, go across hand bridge, run, open/shut door,
remove pack.)
Home! Safe at last! (Hand to forehead in relief.)
The Picnic
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach & Verdugo Hills Councils
From the table below, write each phrase on a separate card. Pass a card out to each participant. Have participants stand in a circle. As the story is read, each participant reads the phrase on his card at the blank spaces. Proceed in the order of the circle, do not skip around. Sometimes the story will make sense, but mostly it will not – but everyone will have a
good time on the Picnic! Only 30 of the 44 phrases will be used.
A loose tooth An orange ghost A tall pine
A short purple pencil A red bedspread
Three boiled eggs A Juicy watermelon
A swarm of bees A used airmail stamp A fat onion
A green crayon Some soapy dishwater A bald eagle
A limping dinosaur Two snowballs A butterfly net
A can of worms A complaining lion A green tomato
An ice-cream stick A cake of soap A beautiful earring
2 cups spaghetti sauce A used firecracker
One large rattlesnake Three raisins Four hot rocks
A chicken plucker Some Dominoes Driver’s license
A tail light 7 pounds of feathers 16 paper plates
Four sour pickles Six plump skeletons
Two cans of dog food A can of tar Three petunias
A dog’s footprint A cat’s meow A pink steam engine
A windy day A plaid kite A princess phone
One fine day, two little old ladies decided to drive out of town for a picnic. Miss Bingley loaded a basket with ____, and ____ and other tasty things. Then, they drove off with their lunch in an old car that belonged to Miss Arbuckle. The cap on the radiator was decorated with ____ and the holes in the roof had been patched with ____ and ____.
As they drove along, Miss Bingley pointed to the side of the road. “Oh, look at that bush with the ____ and the ____ growing on it.” “Let’s stop here,” said Miss Arbuckle. They carried the basket to some shade cast by ____ and spread ____ to sit upon. Nearby, ____ sang merrily in a tree and some low bushes had ____ and ____ growing on them.
The two friends were having a wonderful time. “There’s nothing so delicious as ____ with mustard and relish,” said Miss Arbuckle, as she brushed the crumbs off her lap with ____. “Yes,” sighed Miss Bingley. “However, it is getting late. Maybe we’d best start for home now.”
But their car refused to go. The motor made a noise like ____ and then stopped. “Oh, dear!” said Miss Arbuckle, looking under the hood, “I think I see ____ and ____ caught in the gears.” “Impossible,” said Miss Bingley. “Are you sure the tank isn’t empty? Are you sure you put enough ____ before we left home?” “Of course I did,” said Miss Arbuckle. It must be the wheels. We’ll jack them up with ____ and ____ and then replace them with ____ and ____. She covered her dress with ____ and took ____ to loosen the bolts. Just then a farmer drove up and asked if he could help the ladies.
“Looks like ____ in the engines,” he said, tightening a bolt with ____. Then he stepped back and the car started. “I just connected the ____ to the ____ which had rattled loose.” The two old ladies gave him the rest of their ____ and ____ to show their appreciation, and drove happily home again.
The Hike
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach & Verdugo Hills Councils
Divide group into five parts.
Assign each a different key word and response
Practice as you assign parts
HIKE: Sing “We’re on the upward trail”
BOY(S): Sing “We’re happy when we’re hiking”
FOOD: Sing “Food, Glorious Food”
BEAR(S): Sing “The other day I met a bear”
LEADER(S): Sing “I’ve got the Cub Scout Spirit”
The BOYS in Pack ____ were all excited about the big HIKE. All month they learned about the proper FOOD to take and what to wear, especially the importance of good hiking boots. The BOYS were ready. They even knew what to do if they met a BEAR.
Saturday was the big day. Each BOY knew what FOOD he was to bring. On Saturday, the LEADERS and all the BOYS were up early because the HIKE was to start at dawn. The BOYS would HIKE for a couple of hours, then stop to fix their FOOD for breakfast, then HIKE on to the lake where they would fish for their lunch. Everyone arrived on time and soon the LEADERS and the BOYS were hiking up the trail. The sun rose quietly in the east as the BOYS and LEADERS sang as they HIKED.
Soon it was time to stop and fix FOOD for breakfast. The group stopped in a beautiful clearing and the BOYS opened their packs while the LEADERS lit the stoves. But no one had remembered to pack the FOOD for breakfast except Joe, and he had been assigned the salt and pepper! Oh well, at least they could salt and pepper the fish they would catch for lunch.
On up the trail they HIKED. They were getting deeper into the woods and the BOYS began peering deep into the trees, just in case their might be a BEAR. One BOY was sure he had seen a BEAR, but the LEADERS said it was just shadows. Soon they reached the lake. Oh BOY! They could hardly wait to catch their FOOD and cook it for lunch. But when the packs were opened, they made a sad discovery. No one had remembered to pack the fishing gear! Oh No! All the BOYS and LEADERS were as hungry as BEARS!!
What could they do? That’s when the LEADERS broke out the granola bars they had been saving for dessert. It wasn’t much, but at least it gave them enough energy to make it back down the trail to the cars. It was lucky they didn’t see any BEARS, because the LEADERS and the BOYS needed all their energy for the HIKE home. And the first thing they all did when they got back to town was to stop for FOOD at the first burger place they came to. But the next time Pack ___ planned a HIKE, all the BOYS and LEADERS remembered the FOOD.
How To Survive a Day Hike
Piedmont Council
Divide the audience into groups and assign them to stand and say the proper response when their word is read in the story:
Days: "Dig those rays!" (shade eyes with one hand)
Hike: "Tramp tramp" (stomp feet)
Clarence Cubby: "Do your best" (make Cub Scout Sign)
Sidney Scout: "My way is better" (hand on chest)
Pack: "Light as air"
(pretend to tuck thumbs under pack straps)
Duffle Bags: "Heave-ho"
(Make motion of throwing over shoulder)
Clarence Cubby and Sidney Scout went on a day hike up in the Superior National Forest behind their home. Clarence packed his comfortable Day Pack with high-energy food and lots of water. He also put in a map and compass for good measure.
Sidney Scout decided to use his Dad's old Army duffle bag since it could hold more canned root beer and chocolate pudding than a day pack could.
The weather was nice that day, though the hiking was slow because of Sidney Scout’s heavy duffle bag. Finally they hiked to a small lake and stopped for lunch.
Clarence Cubby ate his lunch and rested awhile on his pack. Sidney was too tired to eat after carrying the duffle bag that far. Sidney told Clarence to start hiking home and he would catch up later that day.
Clarence took a compass reading and hiked for home. Sidney took a nap on his duffle Bag. When Sidney woke up later that day it had turned cloudy and he didn't know which way to begin to hike home.
He picked up his duffle bag and decided to hike along a stream back to town. When the duffle bag got too heavy, Sidney tried to float it down the stream, but the bag sank, and now it was twice as heavy for Sidney to carry.
Clarence hiked home and enjoyed his day hike.
Three years later Sidney was finally picked up on a sunny day, hiking along the lower Colorado River heading toward the Gulf of California, still carrying his duffle bag. When asked about the unusual length of his day hike, Sidney said the next time he went he would change only one thing -- he would pack his duffle bag with more flavors of pudding
Beautiful Scenery-
Greater St. Louis Area Council
Grey Area Alert – if you do this one, make sure the selected Scouter knows what is coming and is willing to go along with the joke. Surprise the audience not the Scouter. CD
CUBMASTER: As I was wandering through the woods the other day, I saw a beautiful scene, and I wanted to recreate it for you.
First I need some trees. (select 4 tall people to stand in line)
There were birds twittering around the branches. (select 2 people to be birds) There you are, just move around twittering as the trees move their branches. Thank you.
There was also a little rabbit hopping through the grass. (select a rabbit) Just hop about amongst the grass, thanks.
It looked so beautiful, but then along came this Scouter. (pick a Scouter) Who ran in and out amongst the trees looking for his boys. (Scouter runs in and out around the trees.
He made so much noise that the rabbit hopped off… (rabbit exits)
…and the birds flew away. (birds exit)
In fact there was nothing left, but the Sap running through the trees!!
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