May 2005 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue |
Volume 11, Issue 10
June 2005 Theme |
Theme: Destination Parks
Webelos: Traveler & Artist
Tiger Cub Activities |
Piedmont Council
COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN: Our pack meeting tonight brought us all together to think about nature. We can enjoy the great outdoors but we must think of others who will follow us. Wherever you go in the great wide world of nature, try to be a "good" visitor who will leave the plants and the creatures for others to enjoy after you leave.
Cub # 1: The only shots I took were snapshots.
Cub # 2: I tried to walk on pathways to keep off plants.
Cub # 3: When I see animals or birds, I try to remember that I am a guest in their living place and I don't do anything to them but look at them.
Cub # 4: The one big thing I always do when I am ready to go home is to look and see that all fires are out in nature's backyard.
CUBMASTER: With Cubs and Webelos like you to help keep our friends on the ball, I'm sure that the beauties of nature will be around for years to come. Thanks Cubs, Good night.
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach & Verdugo Hills Councils
Cub # 1: May the silence of the hills,
Cub # 2: The joy of the wind,
Cub # 3: The music of the birds,
Cub # 4: The fire of the sun,
Cub # 5: The strength of the trees,
Cub # 6: And the faith of youth,
Cub # 7: In all of which is God,
Cub # 8: Be in our hearts now and evermore.
I Will
Greater St. Louis Area Council
The San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach & Verdugo Hills Councils’ Pow Wow Book listed this as an Opening Ceremony. Your choice. CD
Have a Cub Scout read the narrative or pass out cards so the entire audience can read this pledge in unison or have 5 or 6 Cub Scouts repeat the lines from the cards.
Cub # 1: This is my country I will use my eyes to see the beauty of this land.
Cub # 2: I will use my ears to hear it’s sounds.
Cub # 3: I will use my mind to think what I can do to make it more beautiful.
Cub # 4: I will use my hands to sere and care for it.
Cub # 5: And with my heart, I will honor it.
Cubmaster’s Minute
Bird Nest
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach & Verdugo Hills Councils
Materials: Picture or drawing of a bird’s nest (or the real thing).
This nest might have been a home for baby birds. Those baby birds are much like the boys who are growing up in our Pack. As these baby birds grow, so does a boy. They will be fed and nurtured by their families. They will watch the example of other birds as they fly through the skies around them.
One day, the birds will leave their nest, just as birds have always done and will continue to do. They will have grown into adults and will play an important role in nature.
A boy will do the same as he grows and flies into adulthood. He will become an important member of his community and his country and will be a leading citizen for all to see and admire.
To grow into manhood, a boy must have nourishment for his body and his mind. He must be nurtured by his family and his community along the way, if his ideas and character are to develop. Our community and our country need this growing youth. Our pack will fly only if we, as families, continue to nourish our youth.
A Nature Minute
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach & Verdugo Hills Councils
I am part of Nature. I am part of everything that lives. I am bound together with all living things in air, in land, in water. My life depends upon Nature, upon its balance, upon its resources and upon the continuity of both. To destroy them is to destroy yourself. As a member of the human race, I am responsible for its survival. I am a part of Nature, and I will not destroy it.
A Naturalist Is... (Cubmaster Minute)
San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach & Verdugo Hills Councils
No matter where you live, there is a world of undiscovered secrets of nature still waiting to be explored.
A naturalist is a student of natural history, which includes the many things found in nature such as plants and animals. This month, our dens have (briefly review some of the den activities and the theme)... There are many more interesting activities to help you Cub Scouts learn more about the world of nature and to develop an appreciation of it.
A naturalist stands like Columbus on the bow of his ship with a vast continent before him... except that the naturalist's world can be at his very feet... a world to be investigated and discovered. It is as near as your own backyard - a nearby park, the woods and fields or even a country road. These places are inhabited by many kinds of insects, birds, plants, animals, trees and other forms of life.
Continue exploring the world of nature and you will find many wonderful things that God has given us to enjoy.
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