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Baloo's Bugle


January 2005 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 11, Issue 6
February 2005 Theme

Theme: It's A Scouting Celebration
Webelos: Engineer & Scholar
  Tiger Cub:
Requirement 4 & Activities




75th Birthday of Cub Scouting

Circle Ten Council

Have a small birthday candle at each Cub Scout table setting and have a larger candle on all tables.  At the proper time, the Cubmaster announces that each Webelos Scout should come forward and receive a lighted candle to take to his table.  After he reaches his table all other lights are turned off.

Cubmaster            America’s manpower begins with boy power.  As we light all our candles, you can see the room is growing brighter.  (Cubs light their candles.)  That is the way it is in Cub Scouting in our community as we increase our boy power.  One Cub Scout may not be very big, but as our members grow we can light up all our homes and make everyone aware of our Cub Scout spirit.  Let’s make Cub Scouting really shine with boy power (lights come on and candles are blown out.  Do Your Best!

Cub Scouts           We’ll do your best!

Baden-Powell Had A Vision

Circle Ten Council

The following closing could be done by a den of boys standing up front and reciting together the first eight lines or have one of them as narrator, take a few steps forward and say:

Baden-Powell had a vision,

That he made come true.

So now we can enjoy Scouting

And have fun while we do.

While he wasn’t an American,

He’s become famous to us,

Earning through America,

Our admiration and trust

Now may the Spirit of Scouting,

Be with both young and old.

As you remember again,

The meaning of Blue and Gold

May you strive for truth and spirituality.

In the warm sunlight under the sky above,

As you bring good cheer and happiness

With steadfast loyalty brought through love.

Happy 75th Birthday and Happy Scouting!

Cub Scouts

Baltimore Area Council

Prior to the meeting, prepare large cards with Letters on them for each Scout.  Print the accompanying lines of text on the back of each card in large print.  On cue, each Scout enters the stage area and presents his letter and words.  Be sure to practice ahead of time and make sure everyone reads well and loudly enough to be heard.

Cub # 1:      C stands for COURTEOUS, something that all Cub Scouts should be.

Cub # 2:      U stands for UNIQUE, something that of our Cub Scouts are.

Cub # 3:      B is for BOYS, without which there would be no Cub Scouting.

Cub # 4:      S stands for SPECIAL, something that every Scouting volunteer is.

Cub # 5:      C stands for CHARACTER, something developed by time in Scouting.

Cub # 6:      O stands for OUTINGS, one of our favorite parts of Scouting.

Cub # 7:      U stands for UNIFORM, we’re proud to be wearing ours.

Cub # 8:      T stands for TALENT, something that each leader shares with the boys.

Cub # 9:       S stands for SPIRIT OF SCOUTING, something that lives in the hearts of everyone involved in SCOUTING.

Cubmaster’s Minute

Do Your Best

Baltimore Area Council

One of the most important things to learn in life is to put forth your best effort when doing something.  That is why we have the Cub Scout motto.  As a member of this Pack, I hope you will put forth your best effort for the good of the Pack and for your own good.

Closing Thought

Baltimore Area Council

Those whom we seek to serve come our way but once – as boys.  Neglect none of them – for somewhere among them may be the man who will lead the world to everlasting peace.

Good Hunting Closing

Circle Ten Council

You have wandered through the Jungle and your eyes have been opened to see many wonderful things.  Now you go forward on your journey into the greater land of Scouting, and Akela and the pack speed you on your way with a cheery call of “good hunting.”  You will never forget your days with the pack, one day, it may be that you will return to it and help other cubs to open their eyes in the jungle.  Good Hunting.


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