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Baloo's Bugle


August  2004 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 11, Issue 1
September 2004 Theme

Theme: Time in a Capsule
Webelos: Citizen and Communicator
  Tiger Cub:
Program & Activities




Santa Clara County Council

Here are some recent month’s that had themes similar to “Time in a Capsule.”  See if someone in your pack has all Program helps or look up Baloo’s Bugles for these months.

July 1997 – Tomorrow’s World

Feb. 2000 – Turn Back the Clock

June 2000 – Space: The New Frontier

Just a reminder – Actually I didn’t know how to phrase this because if someone is a new member (youth or adult) these are not the “new books.”  These are the books, the only ones they know about (unless he has his 1957 set from when he was a Cub Scout.)  CD


Santa Clara County Council

Boys who become Wolf and Bear Cub Scouts after August 1, 2004, are required to use the new book for the corresponding rank. First year Webelos should use the book or they will have to switch books next year!!


In the continuing effort to help leaders deliver a quality Cub Scouting program, and to ensure that program materials remain current and age-appropriate, the BSA has enhanced the content of the current boy handbooks. These books have been updated for relevance to today's youth, appropriateness of content, ease of use, and perceived challenge to the reader. 

Many of the current elements in these books that have proven successful during the past have been maintained. Topics that have become dated and do not challenge today's Cub Scouts and their families have been eliminated.

Some specific revisions are as follows:

·         Integrated Character Connections (that draw on Cub Scouting's 12 Core Values) directly into selected requirements in each book.

·         Infused age-appropriate outdoor program activities into both the requirements and the electives in each book.

·         Enhanced the advancement and elective trails to create a progressive more challenging pathway that logically prepares boys for the next rank in Cub Scouting and prepares Webelos Scouts for Boy Scouting.

·         Reformatted and enhanced the Webelos handbook: particularly, the Webelos badge and Arrow of Light Award requirements.



For specific changes to the badge requirements in the Cub Scout handbooks, go to:


Then scroll to the bottom of the page and pick the section that you are interested in learning about - Wolf Badge, Wolf Electives, Bear Badge, Bear Electives, Webelos Badge, or Webelos Activity Badges

It is that time again – a new season of Scouting starting up, new members joining and holes in your organization – Here’s a few ideas from circle Ten council of Parent and Family Involvement –


Circle Ten Council

The Boy Scouts of America has a deep interest in the strength of the family. Its own aim to develop boys, young men and women, into participating citizens possessing good character who are physically, spiritually, and mentally fit demands that the movement have an active concern for the family.

A child's attitudes, personality, and the foundation for emotional stability are formed at a very early age. The influence of the family is primary, not only in the sense that it precedes the influence of others, but also in the sense that it is of greatest importance.

The world changes and social norms change. Social pressures come from different directions. The family faces problems today that are far different from those faced by a family only two generations ago. The Boy Scouts of America is continually examining its relevance and effectiveness so that it remains useful as a support resource for the family.



We all know that a family is much more than a Webster's definition.

A family is people giving and receiving love. We seldom come straight out and say, 'Son, I love you. It doesn't matter if I don't like what you do, I LOVE you."

A Family is people getting angry with each other, but still loving one another.

A Family is loving the differences about each other.

A Family is people talking and listening to each other…communicating.

A Family is people caring about what happens to each other, and letting it show.

A Family is people laughing and crying without feeling ashamed of it…expressing themselves naturally.

A Family is people sharing with each other and with others.

A Family is people reaching out instead of fencing in…to each other and neighbors and friends.

A Family is a place for having fun, also for sharing sorrows and healing the hurts.

A Family is people giving strength to each other; caring and letting it show; leaning on each other; feeling loyal to each other; in other words LOVING one another.

Good family life is never an accident, but always an achievement by those who share it.



In our new and changing times the role of the family has changed drastically. Where once the families worked together and played together, family values were automatically transferred to the offspring by just being in close contact.

Cub Scouting has been based on the traditional family but now is faced with a great variety of family forms. We must pay attention to the fact that a great percentage of our Cub Scouts come from non-traditional families. Types of families include adoptive, communal, extended, foster, same sex, shared, single parent and household headed by grandparents, aunts, uncles, or siblings. This is not the scenario of the typical beaver Cleaver household. However, as far as Scouting is concerned whomever a boy lives with is his family.

The family, whatever structure it is, still provides the base of security for today's youth. The caring, sharing, loving and the sense of belonging are what make good relationships. Along with the basic needs families face, they also must develop wholesome and string personalities. It is with this in mind that Scouting helps the boy grow.



When parents work with their sons and share with them as they take part in Cub Scouting, family relationships are strengthened, discoveries are made, and each new day brings more exciting adventure.

As parents work with other adults in Cub Scouting, they make new friends and become acquainted with people they would not otherwise meet. Concern for the boys is a common bond between parents.

Community spirit is strengthened and community leadership is developed out of Cub Scouting adult efforts. Adults get a renewed sense of certainty and confidence when boys and adults work together in harmony with a purpose.

Cub Scouting provides a rich opportunity for families to grow together.

Scouting supports today's family with

Specific programs

Role models

Surrogate parents

Instrumental and incidental learning

Social network

Survival skills

Facilities (camps for families, etc)

Activities, events


While you provide your interest, skill, and time in developing a good Cub Scout program, the family provides help by supporting the den and pack. Families can help in many different ways, but there are some specific things expected of all families.



Parents are expected to work with their son on achievements and electives.

Parents are expected to give their son the opportunity to pass his achievements and electives. Who better than his parents knows when he has done his best? (Webelos leaders or activity badge counselors pass the Webelos on their advancement.)

Parents are expected to participate in all advancement ceremonies when their boy receives his badges. They should be asked to present his badge to him. Parents are a part of the advancement plan from start to finish.



Parents are expected to support and take part in all pack activities.

The pack committee or the Cubmaster will occasionally call upon parents to help at pack meetings or with special pack activities may.

Parents are expected to help with pack finances by making sure their son pays his dues promptly. Suggest that parents provide ways for the boys to earn the amount needed for den dues. This will help teach the boys the value of money and the importance of carrying out financial obligations.



Parents are expected to cooperate with the den leader in every way possible. This could include helping at an occasional den meeting on a specific project or activity, provide refreshments, transportation, telephoning, or assisting with den outings.

Parents can help the pack earn the national Summertime pack Award as well as help the den qualify for the den participation ribbon.

Webelos parents may be called upon to help teach an activity badge.

Parents will be an important part of the Webelos overnight campouts.



It is easy to list all the things that families should do for the program, but it is important to remember that the Scouting program, as represented by packs and den, has duties towards the families as well. They include:

To provide a well planned, year round program of activities in the den and pack, which meets the aims of Cub Scouting.

To provide trained, qualified and enthusiastic leadership for all activities

To provide training for parents and keep them informed.

To provide activities which strengthen the family and give them opportunities to work and play together.



What is parent participation? It might be a mother helping her son make an Indian vest for his den stunt, or a dad hauling home some old scrap wood to assemble a den game chest for his son's den. It could be these and many other helpful things parents do. But wait…we didn't say parent cooperation, we said parent participation…and the two are entirely different things. Too many times we simply send our children to someone away from home to let others worry about them. This is not true in the Cub Scout program because the entire family participates.

Family participation is important to the success of a pack. Leaders must always remember that the Cub Scout program was designed for parent's op use with their sons. Parents simply do not let their son join Cub Scouting - they join with them.

It starts with you, the Cubmaster, den leader, pack committee member. Be prepared with a few simple rules and procedures that your pack has agreed on. If you want parents to participate and cooperate, tell them exactly what they're in for. What you want them to do, and what they can expect from the Cub Scout Program.

It isn't fair for leaders to expect cooperation and participation unless they have made it clear just what is expected. Families should know about these responsibilities before, not after, you have accepted the boy's application to join.

Someone from the pack should visit the home, or have a meeting with all new families, get to know the family, and discuss the Cub Scout program and purposes with them. Don't assume they know them. Some suggestions on topics to be covered:

Review the parent agreement on the Cub Scout application.

Review the parents supplement in the boy's handbook.

Review their responsibilities to the pack and den.

Some packs furnish a copy of the Cub Scout Family Book to each new family. This is an option that you could consider.



There are many different ways families can help.

A few of these are listed below:

At Den Meetings

Furnish refreshments

Transportation for field trips

Help on den projects

Leadership for special activities

At Pack Meetings

Attendance at meeting

Serve on pack committee

Lead a special activity

Provide transportation for pack trips

Support pack money-earning projects



Start the families off slow. Maybe ask them to be judges at a pack or den function. Then move them up to transportation. Then maybe to help at day camp or twilight camp. Remember to go slow and to watch for signs of needing help. Don't burn out a volunteer because they couldn't say no. If they won't help directly with the pack why not offer a special bead for the boys to wear when their parent or parents attend functions. This will persuade the boys to ask their parents to come with them.

Again, make sure den leaders are aware of the family situation. This should include knowing custody arrangements, to avoid releasing the boy to the wrong parent in extreme cases. Be aware of too many Father/Son or Mother/Son events, which may exclude many of the boys. In some cases it is appropriate to have some parents who are willing to provide a surrogate parent situation where needed for events like Webelos campouts.

Remember that many pack involvement need not be a full time job. Parents can provide a phone chain or help in a bake sale. Activities should be parent friendly. Make sure that a couple of outgoing adults are near the door to greet everyone to make sure that families feel welcome and comfortable. Nametags are a big help. Thank families for coming. Make sure that siblings are made to feel welcomed too. If some parents seem awkward about joining in, ask them to do small task such as passing out nametags, selling tickets, serving refreshments. In this way, they become part of the group.



Parent/Guardian Meeting for the pack Before the annual program planning meeting for the pack, be sure to meet with the families for their input on what activities they would be interested in attending and supporting.




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Materials found in Baloo's Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the material.

Materials found at the U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. Website ©1997-2004 may be reproduced and used locally by Scouting volunteers for training purposes consistent with the programs of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) or other Scouting and Guiding Organizations. No material found here may be used or reproduced for electronic redistribution or for commercial or other non-Scouting purposes without the express permission of the U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. (USSSP) or other copyright holders. USSSP is not affiliated with BSA and does not speak on behalf of BSA. Opinions expressed on these web pages are those of the web authors.