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Baloo's Bugle


December 2003 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 10, Issue 5
January 2004 Theme

Home Alone
Webelos Fitness & Readyman
  Tiger Cub Achivement #5




Get Into Shape

Circle Ten Council

Personnel: 3 Cub Scouts

Equipment: 1 Cub is dressed neatly in athletic clothes, the other two dressed sloppily, looking tired, bored.

Cub 1: (Drags on stage, looking tired, bored, and meets sharp, clean CUB 2) Boy, am I tired. I wish I could be in shape. I’m so weak I don’t know what to do.

Cub 2: I have something that will get you into shape physically and mentally. Take the first step into my program and into shape by stepping over this line.

Cub 1: (Steps over line and becomes very bright, alert , athletic.)

Cub 3: ( Walks in dragging, tired and meets l and 2.) I’m so bored. I have done everything there is and nothing is left. I miss the challenges.

Cub 2: I have something that will challenge you, train you, coach you and develop you both physically and mentally. Just step over this line!

Cub 3: (Steps over line and becomes very bright, alert, athletic.)

Cubs 1 & 3: (together) What is this program we stepped into that gives us energy, strength, challenges and fun?

Cub 2: (Holds up sign reading "CUB SCOUTING") It is a mental and physical fitness program... CUB SCOUTING!!!!

Doctor, Doctor

Great Salt Lake Council

The secret to success with this series of quickies is to keep them moving along. You can have one doctor and different patients, or, in a large pack or den, have several doctors and patients.

Cub:        Doctor! Doctor! I feel like a set of drapes.

Doc:        Pull yourself together!

Cub:        Doctor! Doctor! Am I going to die?

Doc:        That's the last thing you'll do.

Cub:        Doctor! Doctor! Everyone keeps ignoring me.

Doc:        Next!

Cub:        Doctor! Doctor! My back feels like a deck of cards!

Doc:        I'll deal with you later.

Cub:        Doctor! Doctor! What's wrong with me?

Doc:        Have you had this before?

Cub:        Yes.

Doc:        Well, you've got it again!

Cub:        Doctor! Doctor! I've got insomnia.

Doc:        Don't lose any sleep over it!


Great Salt Lake Council

The first cub comes out walking around, suddenly grabs his chest and falls to the ground.

Two other scouts come out and see the scout on the ground. They rush to his aid and begin CPR (adjust head, feel for pulse, then begin FAKE compressions).

The other scout counts. After about two sets, the scout counting yells “switch.” 

Suddenly the scout on the ground gets up, one of the other scouts lies down, and they begin again to administer CPR.

No Skit

Circle Ten Council

This is a good general purpose skit but make sure the Den practices and hams up the worry.  And please, don’t let it become a monthly feature. CD

Cub #1       Oh, no! (Play this up.  Lots of motions, hand wringing, worry is evident)

Cub #2       What's the matter?

Cub #1       (whispers to Cub #2) No one hears them.

Cub #2       Oh, no!

Cub #3       What's the matter?

Cub #2       (whispers to Cub #3). No one hears them.

Cub #3       Oh, no!

This continues until everyone has a turn.

Next to last Scout    Oh, no!

Last Scout     What's the matter?

Next to last Scout    (Whispers loud enough for everyone to hear) We don't have a skit!

Everyone exits




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