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Baloo's Bugle


August 2002 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 9, Issue 1
September Theme

Blast Off
Webelos Communicator and Citizen
  Tiger Cub Achievement 1


Trapper Trails Council


Find the stars in this constellation

1. Sea Animal _____________________________

2. Bird                                                                                  

3.  Heavenly Body                                                            

4. Right side of a ship                                                       

5. Outstanding young actress                                        

6. A Patriot Song                                                               

7. To Begin                                                                         

8.  To go hungry                                                                 

9. To surprise someone                                                    

Put answers on back: Starfish, Starling, Star, Starboard, Starlet, Star Spangled Banner, Start, Starve, and Startle.


Registration Activity
Crossroads of America

Give a piece of scrap paper to each person and have them fold a paper airplane. Place a piece of poster board 10 to 15 feet away with a hole cut in it. Have the people see if they can fly their plane through the hole. Recognize successful space people before the meeting starts.


Name Tag
Crossroads of America

With the theme related to space, use a simple space rocket as the form for this month’s nametag!



Paper Airplanes
York Adams Area Council

Have the boys make their own paper airplanes and then let them test their skills out on the flight line.  For ideas on making paper airplanes, see these and other website: http://www.paperairplanes.co.uk/planes.html and http://www.netwww.com/paper_ac.htm.  You can set up a contest to see which one flies the longest time, flies the farthest, does the most tricks (like loops), etc.

York Adams Area Council

They go up under rocket power, but they come down with gravity—that’s how many rockets work.  But to keep them from crashing and being destroyed, they use parachutes!  Have the boys make their own parachutes to test out.  Materials include circles of 12-inch diameter 3-mil plastic, 8 pieces of 20-inch string, small pieces of duct tape, and a large nut.  Tape the pieces of string to the “top” of the parachute.  Turn the chute upside down and bring all of the pieces of string together, feed them through the nut, and tie them together.  The boys will need to experiment with the best way to fold and toss their chutes to see how they best open when they are used.  WARNING: Boys may not want to start the meeting once they begin having fun with their chutes!  J

Demo A CAD Program For Rockets
York Adams Area Council

If you have someone in your den with a laptop computer and a little savvy in computer-aided design (CAD), why not have that person download a demo copy of SpaceCAD from the website http://www.spacecad.com/.  Then as the boys come to the meeting that person can show them some of the stuff that the software helps them do.  The executable file is about 2MB.  I haven’t used it myself, but it should be fairly easy to use and demonstrate.

York Adams Area Council

It’s a new year and your Pack is ready to “blast off” for a great yearlong space journey.  How about starting things off on the right trajectory by helping everyone introduce themselves to each other?  Write the letters B, L, A, S, T, O, F, and F (again) down the left side of a paper, with spaces to the right to fill in names.  Hand out copies with the instructions to have each person introduce themselves to others in the Pack and when they find someone with any of these letters in their name, to write that name next to the letter.  See who can fill in the entire list with names.

Neil Alden Armstrong
York Adams Area Council

One of the most famous astronauts in history was Neil Alden Armstrong—famous for having been the first person to walk on the moon.  He is also an Eagle Scout.  Hand out sheets of paper with his name at the top with the instruction to write out as many words as they can from the letters in his name.


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