Abe the Left-footed Mule
York Adams Area Council
Mr. Mullins: “Whoa
there!” (Gestures as if pulling on reins)
Mrs. Mullins: “Stop, Stop! ” (Holding hands to head)
Abe, The Mule: “Haw Hee, Haw Hee” (index fingers pointed
up like ears)
Able, The Mule: “Hee Haw, Hee Haw” (index fingers pointed
up like ears)
Jasper: “Howdy folks” (hand raised in greeting)
This is a story about MR.
Mullins and Mrs. Mullins, two of our Pilgrim ancestors and
their little mule named Abe.
Abe was left-footed and he
did everything just exactly backwards. When Mr. Mullins wanted
to, plow the fields, Abe pulled the plow so far to the left that he
went in big circles,. When Mrs. Mullins wanted to go to the
village, Abe went backwards instead of ahead. “It is Very
embarrassing,” cried Mrs. Mullins. “It is very confusing,”
cried Mr. Mullins. And Abe just cried.
One day their cousin Jasper
came to visit and he saw Abe plowing circles and pushing the wagon
backwards. Mr. Mullins was so confused. Mrs. Mullins
was so embarrassed. Abe was so unhappy. “We’ll have to send Abe
away,” said Mr. Mullins, “or we can never get to the village,”
said Mrs. Mullins. “And we do love him so,” they both cried.
“Hmmm,” said Cousin Jasper, “Abe is a very handsome mule, even
if he is left-footed.“ So Cousin Jasper thought it all over and he
said: “Why don’t you get a right-footed mule to go along with left-footed
Abe?” “Yes, why don’t we!” said Mr. Mullins and Mrs.
Mullins. So they did; they got a very right-footed mule named -
Now everything works out very
nicely. When Abe plows left, Able plows right. Between them
their field was the straightest in all the colonies. When Mrs.
Mullins hitches them up to go into the village, she hitches Abe
backwards and she hitches Able front wards. And away they go at a good,
fast-pace. “We may look strange” says Mrs. Mullins -, “But we do
get to the village in a hurry”.
Mrs. Mullins is happy. Mr.
Mullins is happy, And Abe and Able are happy. And
Cousin Jasper went home very well pleased with himself.
York Adams Area Council
This is just a fun read-it-to-them
story. Better get lots of practice before attempting it, though—its not an
easy read!
Once upon a time in a corn foundry
there lived a geautiful birl and her name was Rindercella. Now Rindercella
lived with her mugly other and tow sad listers. Also in this same corn foundry
there lived a pransome hince, and this pransome hince was going to have a
bancy fall and he’d invited people for riles amound especially the pick reople.
Now Rindercella’s mughly other and her tow sad blisters went to town to buy
some dancy fesses for the cancy fall, but Rindercella cound’t go cause all she
had to wear were some old ruddy dags. Finally the night of the bancy fall
arived and Rindercella coudn’t go so she just crank down and shried. And she
was sitting there shrieing when all of the sudden there appreared before her,
her gay mudfather and he touched her with his wagic mend and there appeared
before her a kig hutch and hix white sorces to take her to the bancy fall, and
he said-“Rindercella, be sure and be home before midnight or I’ll purn you
into a tumpkin!”
When Rindercella arrived at the
bacy fall the pransome hince met her at the door because he’d been watching
behind a wooden hindow. Rindercella and the pransome hince mance all night
until nidnight and they Jeff in fove. And finally the midclock struck night,
and Rindercella spaced down the rairs and just as she beached the rottom she
slopped her dripper! The next day this pransome hince went all over the corn
foundry looking for the geutiful birl who had slopped her dripper. They
finally came to Rindercella’s house, and he tried it on the mugiy other and if
fidn’t dit. The he tried in on the two sisty uglers and if fidn’t dit and then
he tried it on Rindercella and if fid dit! It was exactly the sight rite! And
so they were marrned and lived heavely after nappily. Now the storal of the
mory is: If you go to a bancy fall and you want a pransome hince to Tell in
fove with you--don’t forget to slop you dripped!
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