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Baloo's Bugle

March 2002 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 8, Issue 8
April Theme

Forces of Nature
Webelos Sportsman and Family Memberr



Crossroads of America

The best thing to give your enemy is forgiveness;

To an opponent tolerance;

To a friend understanding:

To a child a good example:

To your father deference:

To your mother conduct that will make her proud:

To yourself respect and

To all men charity.

Good night Scouts!


Quality Family Time Closing
Potawatomi Area & Milwaukee County Council


Young boys dream of treasures and we as parents can only help our boys discover the treasures of their dreams.  When you are at home this month, set aside some quality family time.  Communicate with each other, share your ideas and your dreams.  Parents, our boys are our greatest treasure.  And a boy’s dream is a treasure that we cannot afford to lose of take for granted.  Scouting is here to aid in the discovery and fulfillment of his dreams.


"Wildlife Pledge" Closing
National Capital Area Council

(Provide copies of the "Wildlife Pledge" below to each person in audience, and ask them to repeat it together.)


"I pledge to use my eyes to see the beauty of all outdoors.  I pledge to train my mind to learn the importance of nature.  I pledge to use my hands to help protect our soil, water, woods, and wildlife.  And by my good example, show others how to respect, properly use, and enjoy our natural resources."


Closing Thought
National Capital Area Council

(Provide copies of the closing thought so audience can read it together:)


“This is my country. I will use my eyes to see the beauty of this land. I will use my ears to hear its sounds.  I will use my mind to think what I can do to make it more beautiful.  I will use my hands to serve it well. And with my heart, I will honor it.”


Man & Nature
York Adams Area Council

Unknown Speaker addressing the National Congress of American Indians in the mid 1960's "In early days we were close to nature. We judged time, weather conditions, and many things by the elements—the good earth, the blue sky, the flying of geese, and the changing winds. We looked to these for guidance and answers. Our prayers and thanksgiving were said to the four winds--to the East, from whence the new day was born; to the South, which sent the warm breeze which gave a feeling of comfort; to the West, which ended the day and brought rest; and to the North, the Mother of winter whose sharp air awakened a time of preparation for the long days ahead. We lived by God's hand through nature and evaluated the changing winds to tell us or warn us of what was ahead. Today we are again evaluating the changing winds. May we be strong in spirit and equal to our Fathers of another day in reading the signs accurately and interpreting them wisely."


Smoky Closing
Inland NW Council


Boys hold cards with letters
S – Smokey the Bear has a message to tell

M – Make it a point to hear him well

O – Only you can prevent forest fires Smokey does say

K - Keep yourself safe in being careful that way

E - Everybody must do his part

Y – Yes, we can stop forest fires before they start.


Cubmaster Minutes
Trapper Trails Council


A wise man once noted that all sunshine is what makes the desert.  Just as rain and snow are necessary for plants and animals to exist, so it is in our lives.  We gain our strength and ability to live, not from the days when all goes right.  But rather, it is from days of adversity and overcoming difficulties that we grow.


Weathermen have tools that they use daily to do their jobs.  They use barometers to measure the air pressure.  This helps them to know what type of weather to expect.  One of our tools in Cub Scouting is the Cub Scout Promise.  It helps us to remember what is expected of us.  Let us now all repeat the Cub Scout Promise together.


Lying on the grass we look at the clouds gently floating by.  Then something strange begins to happen.  They begin turning into ominous gray clouds telling us a storm is in the making.  We run for shelter just as torrents of rain fall, happy to be safe and dry.  As scouts you must always be ready for the unexpected to come your way.


Compass Closing Thought
Central New Jersey Council

Cubmaster: I have here a compass.  Normally, because of the natural magnetic forces of the earth, the needle faithfully points north and keeps you on the right path.  But when a magnet is brought near the compass, the magnet is an outside influence on the character of the compass.  The integrity of the compass can no longer be trusted.  This compass represents Cub Scouting.  The Cub Scout Promise and the Law of the Pack are the natural magnetic field that directs the compass needle of our boys just like this magnet, influences are trying to adversely affect our purposes. Our youth are continually faced with temptation-temptation to get by without working, to lie, to cheat, to give in to the negative peer pressure of friends.

If our boys are going to grow up to be the good citizens we want them to be, watch out for the magnets in their lives. Help them work hard to live up to and live the ideals of Scouting.



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