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Baloo's Bugle

March 2002 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 8, Issue 8
April Theme

Forces of Nature
Webelos Sportsman and Family Memberr



Volcano Advancement Ceremony
Crossroads of America Council


Equipment: A secret message for each advancing boy prepared by writing in milk or lemon juice on a piece of paper. A light bulb heat source to reveal the message disguised in a model of a volcano. Make sure the bulb is hot enough to reveal the message and in a short amount of time.

Personnel: Cubmaster, advancing boy and parent(s).

Hints: See the Wolf book to see how to write these secret messages.

You can have the boy or his parent(s) heat the message to reveal messages such as “Way to go ______!” “Congratulations on your Bear Rank _____!” “I knew you could do it!”.

The Cubmaster puts the paper over the volcano and tells everyone the light represents the Spirit of Scouting and calls forward the boy and his parent(s). Speak briefly about the work or steps the boy took and you might want to ask boys you know are comfortable about speaking in front of people to tell about the most “fun” thing he did.

Have a parent pin the badge on the boy and have the boy or a parent hold the message over the bulb and when it is clear have the boy read the message aloud.



Bobcat Induction Ceremony
Potawatomi Area & Milwaukee County Council


Personnel: Bobcat candidates and parents, Cubmaster, -

Equipment: Three straight tree branches or poles, 4' - 5' long and 3' length of heavy cord, Bobcat badges.

Cubmaster: (Calls forward Bobcat candidates and their parents)  "Before you receive your Bobcat badges, I will ask you to repeat with me the Cub Scout Promise. Please give the Cub Scout sign." (Leads candidates in the Promise.)

Cubmaster: "Cub Scouts, your parents will be helping you all the way through Cub Scouting, just as they have helped you earn your Bobcat badge. So I will ask them to share in this ceremony welcoming your families into the pack by presenting you your first badge."  (Cubmaster gives the parents Bobcat badges.)

Cubmaster: (Picks up the cord) "Boys and parents, pretend that this cord represents the pack." (Picks up one branch, stands the branch on end and lets go.  It falls.): The Cub Scout does not join the pack all alone.  (He ties the two branches together at the top, stands them on the floor, and asks one of the new Cub Scouts; "Will these two branches stand up by themselves?"

(Cub Scout replies that they will fall over- Cubmaster lets them fall.  Picks up the third branch.) "This third branch represents your parents.  Let's tie it to the other two." (He does so forming a tripod.) "Now we see that it takes all of us--Cub Scouts, leaders, and parents-working together to make our pack go. Take away the parents, the leaders, or you Cub Scouts, and the pack will fall.  Let's remember that and stand tall together!


Advancement Ceremony
National Capital Area Council

Setting:  A large tree, cut from cardboard and set firmly in a stand.  A large green construction paper leaf is made for each boy who will receive an award. If desired, names can be written on the leaves.  As each person receives his award, he tapes his leaf on the tree.



What do we plant when we plant a tree?

A thousand things that we daily see!

The paper for books from which we learn,

Tools to help us do a good turn,

The wood for a Pinewood Derby car,

For model planes that we can fly far,

We plant the staff for the flag of the free,

Yes, we plant all these when we plant a tree.


But what do we plant when we plant a lad?

With the help of high mother and hid dad,

We plant a Cub who'll become a Scout,

We plant ideas that will round him out,

The silk, the games, the joy to be had,

We plant a Scout when we plant a lad.


(Cubmaster calls boys and parents forward to receive awards. As awards are presented, each boy tapes his leaf on the tree.)


You have all helped make this tree more beautiful, and it is a part of you, Just as Mother Nature's trees endure for many years, you have learned many things from your achievements, electives, and activity badges that will last you a lifetime. May you always stand straight and tall like a tree, and be a worthwhile resource of our country.


What do we do when we plant a lad?

We plant a Scout when we plant a lad.


Congratulations to all of you.



Call forward advancing Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts and their parents.

Cubmaster: Cub Scouts, we have a song called "Cub Scouting We Will Go," which is sung to the tune of "Jingle Bells." It goes like this (sing or read):

Cub Scouting we will go
To a den where we can play;
Sunshine, rain or snow,
Happy on our way.
As buddies we will greet,
Faces gleaming bright;
What fun it is when we can meet,
And do the things we like!

That little song tells us that Cub Scouting is for all seasons, rain, or snow. It should be fun anytime. But to enjoy Cub Scouting to the fullest, you have to advance by learning new things and doing various projects.  Tonight we have some Cub Scouts who have done that, and we will recognize their work by presenting them their badges.


The following was sent to Baloo from Belinda Maxwell—THANK YOU for the great idea!!

Comments: At our Blue and Gold this year our ceremonial fire was ringed with fake rocks.  We made the rocks and in the center were plastic arrowheads.  Each cub, and sib was able to take home a rock with a memento of the evening.  The rocks looked real but broke open easily.  There was a lot of excitement once one of the boys in the know let the rest know what the rocks held.  The recipe is easy.

1 cup used coffee grounds
1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
1/4 cup sand

mix then add 1/2 to 1/3 cup water slowly until the consistancy of dough.

Color may be added by using powdered tempra paint in the mixture. (we did not color our rocks)

This made about three baseball sized rocks.  We added the arrowheads by flattening the dough placing the arrowhead in and then reforming into a rock.

Dry in a low oven 150 degree for 20 minutes. or air dry for two days. (we found the time varied by the moisture in the rocks.  Even rocks that were several weeks old opened easily.

Make it count
Central New Jersey Council
Adapted by John Brogan, Jr.
H.A.D. District, Pack 251


Have a battery, and empty water bottle

Cubmaster: When Mother Nature makes her presence felt, survival will depend on things that work. (Hold up batter) Just because this battery is here does not mean that it works.  We have to test it and if it is empty inside and doesn’t work, what good is it? The same holds true with this water bottle, not very useful if it’s empty. It’s what’s inside that counts, the same way a badge of rank should mean something, otherwise, its just another piece of cloth. So don’t be afraid to test yourself.  Wear a useful badge, one that you can count on, in good times and bad, as a boy or as an adult.

Let us present the following earned and useful ranks. (Could pull ranks out of a first aid kit)



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