Tongue Twisters
Inland Northwest Council
Betty Botter bought some
butter, "but" she said, "this butter's bitter if I put it in my batter, It
bake my batter bitter!"
Susie's shirt shop sells
pre shrunk shirts.
Inland Northwest Counil
Run On skits are just
that, skits that happen as a run-on event. They can be used to liven up your
Pack meeting between activities. Usually they start with an idea and build
through two or three run-on performances, each building on the previous idea.
Crying Skit (run on)
Each boy comes in
crying, each carrying a handkerchief progressing from small to large (large to
bigger--bed sheet). Someone asks why they are crying, and it's because they
don't have a skit.
Water Skit (run on)
Cardboard scenery may be
made (like desert scene). Each boy comes in crawling and crying for water and
collapses on stage. Someone steps out on stage with a can of water, and all
jump up, pull combs out of pockets, dip in water, and comb their hair.
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