Inland Northwest Council
Equipment needed: Four large flashlights, Adults in
audience should bring flashlights, All lights are out. Four leaders stand behind the Narrator.
Narrator speaks:
To a Cub Scout it looks so very black
When there is no leader, no den, or Pack.
Wait here is a leader with a light. (First leader lights his flashlight)
But, the job is hard for one to hold on tight.
He needs Den leaders and committee members, too because
there is so much to do.
Now he has found one (Second leader lights flashlight) and
now another.
Here’s a committee member (Third leader lights flashlight, fourth leader lights
flashlight and one adult in each Den lights his flashlight). Here’s a mother.
Now each to his neighbor, please pass a light. (Narrator pauses while all adults light
their flashlights).
For our Cub Scouts it is now getting bright.
Out of the blackness we now have hope.
Our Cub Scouts no more will grope.
To find his way along the road
That millions like him often strode.
To wear the uniform of the blue and gold.
The laws of his country and God to uphold.
You also can now see your way, too.
To help the boys find the way true.
So if all together we hold our light high,
Cub Scouting will never die.
Simon Kenton
Equipment: Seven pieces of construction paper with
letters, Welcome written on them.
Cub #1: (W) 'We've come here tonight to communicate with
Cub #2: (E) Each boy showing and telling what he can do.
Cub #3: (L) Let's all lend an ear for the message.
Cub #4: (C) Come now and direct your attention this way.
Cub #5: (O) Opening this meeting we're doing right here.
Cub #6: (M) Making for you a message soon dear.
Cub #7: (E) Everybody welcome is what we wish to
communicate now to you and to tell you this meeting has now started, too!
Messages are Important
York Adams Area
In everything we say, we should make sure the message gets
through. Tonight, let’s think about the
message we are sending when we recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Here is a striking interpretation of the
Pledge, provided by Mr. Red Skeleton, many years ago:
- Me, an individual, a committee of one.
- Dedicate all of my worldly goods to live without self-pity.
My love and my devotion.
the Flag Our standard, Old Glory, a symbol freedom. Wherever she waves, there is respect,
because your loyalty has given her a dignity shouts freedom is everybody’s job.
The United That means we have all come together.
of America, Individual communities that have
into 50 great states. Fifty individual
communities with pride and dignity and purpose, all divided with imaginary
boundaries, united to a common purpose, that’s love for a country.
to the Republic A state in which sovereign power invested in
representatives chosen
the people to govern. And government is
the people and from the people to the leaders, from the leaders to the people.
Nation under God Meaning, so blessed by God.
Incapable of being divided.
liberty Which is freedom and the right of power to live one’s own life
without threats or fear of some sort of retaliation.
justice The principle of quality of dealing fairly with others.
all. Which meant it’s as much your country as it is mine.
It Takes Work To
York Adams Area Council
Narrator: So often we have problems in our lives
because we don’t “Get the message.” Tonight our Cub Scouts will review some basic rules needed to
communicate properly.
Cub 1: C stands for “Carefully” – Carefully listen
when someone is telling you something.
Cub 2: O stands for “One” – One and only one person
is “transmitting” at a time; other person should be “receiving.”
Cub 3: M stands for “Message” – Make sure you send
the right Message when you communicate.
Cub 4: M stands for “Minute” – Give the message a
minute to sink in before responding.
Cub 5: U stands for “Understand” – Make sure you
understand the message before ending a conversation.
6: N stands for “Noise” – Noise is what keep you from getting the
message—noise from outside and inside your head. Avoid the noise!
7: I stands for “I” – I am responsible for getting the message straight.
8: C stands for “Carefully” – Carefully choose your words when you are
sending a message
9: A stands for “Attention” – Pay attention when you are sending and
receiving a message.
10: T stands for “Time” – Take your time to say things clearly and to hear
things clearly.
11: E stands for “Everyone” – It is everyone’s job to make sure the message
gets across.
If we follow these rules, we will always
able to Communicate!
Materials found in Baloo's
Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that
Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the
Materials found at the U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. Website
©1997-2002 may be reproduced and used locally by Scouting volunteers for
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