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Baloo's Bugle

August Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 8, Issue 1

All Aboard
Webelos Communicator & Citizen
 Tiger Cub Big Idea #1


Sam Houston Area Council

The "Our Flag" booklet put out by the BSA is an excellent resource for all kinds of flag etiquette. Your Webelos may also write the VA, VFW, or AmVets or other military units. Have the Webelos tell or write about it in their own words.

Have your Webelos learn and tell about the history of our flag and how it developed. Have them make a poster with the early American flags and the year they were used. This can make a different yet interesting type of opening ceremony for a pack meeting.

Make a flag holder to properly display a flag at their own home according to etiquette. Or, make flag holders for den and pack flags.

Did you know that to show respect for our flag, you don't have to see it, but you can face the direction you know it to be, salute it, and respond according.

Did you know that if you do not have a flag to salute at a night meeting that if the moon is up, that there is a United States flag on the moon?

Den Activities
Heart of America Council

Citizen Scavenger Hunt: Most government buildings have some form of a tour and you might be able to combine the tour with your scavenger hunt. Divide the den into two or three teams and give the boys a reasonable time limit. Have them locate answers to questions as well as inexpensive available items. Examples for these would be:
1. What is the Middle initial in the full name of our town' mayor? What does the initial stand for?
2. Bring back a piece of stationery showing our town's logo or crest.
3. Draw a picture of our state flag.
4. On what floor can you find ?
5. Who run's the Water Works Department and what does that department do?
6. Where does the City Council meet?
7. What's on the top floor of the building?
8. What is the full name of the governor of the state?
9. Get a brochure about trash pick up service?
10. Who takes care of snow removal/tree removal from city streets and what is their budget?

Wanted: Good Citizen Poster Project
Heart of America Council

Imagine the type of citizen you would want to be part of your community. How would that person act? What would that person look like?

Design a WANTED poster of the ideal citizen. Cut and paste a picture or photo on a sheet of paper of the citizen you are wanting. It can be a picture or photo of someone you cut from a magazine or you can draw a picture of a real or pretend person. Then, describe the person physically and also describe his/her personality traits.

Example: WANTED person with good humor, a concern for others and ability to get along with others. Then, complete the following statements on your poster: This person was last seen in . He/she was , once again showing himself/herself active and responsible citizen. If you have seen or have any information about this person, please contact . This person is an ideal citizen because .

Tie Slide
U.S. Flag Tie Slide
Heart of America Council

1 - 3' x 4' piece of lightweight wood
Star stickers or stencil pattern
Clear acrylic finish
1 - .5 x .5 PVC pipe

Refer to the "History of our Flag" in the Webelos book. Have each boy choose a different flag design. When the tie slides are completed and they know the history, they can then share their knowledge and talents with the Pack at a pack meeting.

1. Cut and sand wood.
2. Paint the appropriate design. (use taping to make straight lines and consider stars or make a stencil pattern)
3. Apply aseveral coats of acrylic finish.
4. Attach PVC pipe to the back to form the loop.


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Materials found at the U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. Website ©1997-2002 may be reproduced and used locally by Scouting volunteers for training purposes consistent with the programs of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) or other Scouting and Guiding Organizations. No material found here may be used or reproduced for electronic redistribution or for commercial or other non-Scouting purposes without the express permission of the U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. (USSSP) or other copyright holders. USSSP is not affiliated with BSA and does not speak on behalf of BSA. Opinions expressed on these web pages are those of the web authors.