August Cub Scout Roundtable Issue
Volume 8, Issue 1
All Aboard
Webelos Communicator & Citizen
Tiger Cub Big Idea #1
Divide group into 5 teams, each one taking one of the following parts.
GIRL: (In high
pitched voice) Help me! Help me!
VILLIAN; (Loud and
deep) Hiss! Boo!
TRAIN: Chuga,
chug a, choo choo
DOG: Arf, Arf
Every time one of these words are said by the narrator, the team in the
audience that has that part will shout their words.
Back in the Rockies, a Train, filled with gold nuggets was slowly
coming down the mountain, across the bridge, down the valleys, and over the
There was a Villian, who had heard about the Train.
The Villian, went to a nearby town and saw a beautiful Girl
and her Dog.
The Villain stole the Girl. The Dog followed the Girl and the Villain.
The Villian put the Girl on his horse.
The Dog followed the horse and the Villain to the Train
The Villain tied up the Girl. The Dog barked and barked.
The Villain growled at the Dog. The Girl screamed when the Villain put her on
the Train tracks.
The Train was coming down the track. The Girl saw it and screamed. The engineer called the law and asked for a Hero.
The Hero got on his horse and rode to the Train track.
The Train was coming, the Girl was screaming, the Dog
was barking, and the Villain was hiding.
The Hero rushed up to the Girl and took her off the track.
The Train went by. The
Villain was angry and ran up to the Girl and the Hero
The Dog bit the Villain in the pants and he ran away.
The Hero took the Girl and her Dog back home.
The Cub Scouts
Adams Area Council
Cub Scout: Do Your
School: Yuck
Notice: Hear Ye
Mother: Turn the TV
Johnny came home from School
very excited one afternoon. In his
hand was a Cub Scout Notice.
It was an invitation to go to a meeting at the School that
Now Johnny's Mother
was very tired; so when Johnny asked her to go, she said, "We'll see".
About that time the doorbell rang. It was Sammy, Johnny's best friend.
"Hey," said Sammy. "Look what I got at School today - a Notice
to join Cub Scouts."
At that, Johnny's Mother
said she guessed she would go, too.
When Johnny and his Mother
arrived at the School, there were several Cub Scout leaders
present in uniform. There were also several tables of displays - crafts and
pictures. When the program began, the leaders shoed slides of Cub Scout
activities - Good Turn Day, the Scout show, and the Water Carnival.
"Wow", said Johnny to his Mother. "You mean we get to do
all of that in Cub Scouts? Wow!I sure am glad that I brought that Notice
home from School."
The Cubmaster explained
that the Pack met at the School and had passed out the Notices to
the second and third grade students and the pack planned to form a few new dens.
When he asked for volunteers to become den leaders, no one raised their hands.
Dead silence prevailed. Finally, Johnny's Mother said, "Well,
those pictures make Cub Scouts look like a lot of fun. How can I refuse?
I'll be a den leader."
So that is how Johnny
became a Cub Scout. And
don't we wish that Den
Leaders were that easy to
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Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that
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