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Baloo's Bugle

August Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 8, Issue 1

All Aboard
Webelos Communicator & Citizen
 Tiger Cub Big Idea #1



Freedom Train
Heart of America Council

Personnel: 6 Cubs and Den Leader or Cubmaster.

Equipment: Large pieces of cardboard from office furniture stores, refrigerator cartons, etc., opened flat with the plain side painted with or decorated with markers to represent the appropriate train car. Cubs could simply march across stage with appropriate signs hung around necks describing cars.

Setting: Cub Scouts come on stage each holding a large cardboard picture of appropriate train car.

Engine: This is the engine that represents our Government that keeps us on the right track.

Coal Car: This is the coal car that represents the people who supply the energy to run our Government.

Gondola Car: This is the gondola car that represents the open minds of the people who supply the energy to run our Government.

Tank Car: This is the tank car that represents the energy to produce the ideas in the open minds of the people who supply the energy to run our Government.

Box Car: This is the box car that carries the food from our farmers, that helps produce the energy to supply the ideas in the open minds of the people that run our Government.

Caboose: Last but not least, this is the caboose that represents Scouting, which trains the boys with fantastic energy, who eat the food from our farmers and grow to men who produce the energy to supply the ideas in the open minds of the people that run our Government.

Cubmaster: This train is unique, in that it runs on Freedom, the freedom that has made this country the strong nation that It is today.

(The engine could have a small American flag posted in a proper place and the caboose could bear the Scout emblem. The other cars can be decorated appropriately.)  Please stand and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Opening Ceremony
Trapper Trails Council


Equipment needed:

Make a cardboard train with an engine, coaaal car, passenger car (s), and a caboose.


The cubmaster comes out carrying the engine: “just as the engine on a train, leads the train and pulls it down the track, the cubmaster and den leaders lead the pack and pulls it towards success.”

A committee member comes out with the coal car: “As the coal car gives our train the fuel to go, the pack committee gives the fuel or helping hand to make our pack go.”

Several boys come out with the passenger car and in unison say: “We are here as passengers on this pack train, we appreciate all the work the pack leadership does for us.”

A set of parents come out with the caboose and say in unison: “Although we represent the caboose, we are very important in the pack in supporting our sons and the leadership of the pack just as the caboose does for the train.

Circle 10 Council

Needed: 9 scouts with picture boards of trains of various types (mine carts, steam engines, locomotives, passenger trains, electric trains etc.) (Can be modified for smaller dens.)   Have the Cubmaster or Den Leader stand to the side and blow a train whistle for attention and then yell “Allll Abbboooarrrddd!”

Scout #1: The first trains were mine carts that were pulled by men or animals filled with ore from mines.

Scout #2:  In 1825, George Stephenson, a former engine mechanic, made the first locomotive called the Active, it pulled railroad cars carrying a total of 450 people at a speed of 15 miles per hour.

Scout #3:  By 1829, George Stephenson had improved his steam engine and the Rocket, traveled at 36 miles per hour. 

Scout #4: Railroad lines sprang quickly across the world and goods and people could travel further and faster than ever before.

Scout #5:  In 1830, The Best Friend of Charleston hauled a train of cars beginning railroad transportation in the United States.

Scout #6:  In 1888, Frank J. Sprague introduced the first electric trains, Many large cities such as New York and Chicago have electric train systems called Els.

Scout #7: In 1934, The diesel engine was invented and put into use for trains.

Scout #8:  In 1971, Amtrak became a fast and reliable passenger service.

Scout #9: Tonight we welcome our new and returning scouts for a new year of fun in scouting! Please stand with me and be welcomed aboard with the Pledge of Allegiance.




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