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Baloo's Bugle

June Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 7, Issue 11

American ABCs
Webelos Aquanaut & Geologist
Tiger Graduation


"The Transcontinental Train"
Sam Houston Area Council

Divide the audience into groups, and have them respond as shown, whenever their word is read.

Train: "Toot! Toot!"

Conductor: "All Aboard"

New York Doctor: "New York City!?"

Penn Steel Worker: "Man of Steel"

Southern Belle: Hi, y'all"

Texan: "Remember the Alamo!"

Kansas farmer: "The World's Breadbasket"

Just before the transcontinental Train was ready to pull out of Grand Central Station, the Conductor held the door for one more passenger, a New York Doctor who hurried aboard.  The Train moved slowly between the tall buildings, out of New York, through New Jersey and on to Pennsylvania.  The Conductor checked the ticket of the New York Doctor as the Train pulled into the Pittsburgh Station.  A Pennsylvania Steel Worker boarded the Train and sat across the aisle from the New York Doctor.

The train wound through the Appalachian Mountains, by rivers and through forests down to Atlanta.  The Conductor greeted a Southern Belle who boarded the Train.  She smiled at the Penn Steel Worker, and sat behind the New York Doctor.

The Train picked up speed as it left the mountains and crossed the delta lands of Mississippi.  The Conductor paused to look out the window with the Southern Belle, as the Train traversed a long bridge over the Mississippi River.  It arrived at the hot springs in the midst of the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas, as the New York Doctor and the Penn Steel Worker played cards.

The Train crossed into Texas and stopped at Dallas, where a young Texan boarded the Train, showed his ticket to the Conductor, tipped his hat to the Southern Belle, and took a seat.

The Train moved north through the rolling hills of Oklahoma and through the wheat fields of Kansas, stopping in Wichita where a Kansas Farmer and his wife boarded the Train. The Kansas Farmer shook hands with the New York Doctor, and sat beside the young Texan, as his wife smiled at the Penn Steel Worker, and sat next to the Southern Belle.

The Train turned west, moved up steep mountain passes and through the snow-covered Rocky Mountains of Colorado and Utah. The Conductor checked his watch as the Train sped out of the mountains and into the desert of the Great Basin in Nevada.

The Texan and the New York Doctor admired the large trees, as the Train wound through the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Redwood forests. The

Train pulled into its final destination of San Francisco, California, where the Conductor said goodbye to New York Doctor, the Penn Steel Worker, the Southern Belle, the Texan, and the Kansas Farmer.


Why You Should Go To College
A Madlib Story
Northwest Suburban Council


Narrator reads the story, filling in the blanks with the italicized words provided by the audience.

Our American universities offer students many ___adjective___ courses that will prepare them to become good ___ plural noun___.  You can get a degree as a Bachelor of ___plural noun___ or take a regular liberal ___plural noun___ course.  Or if you want to become a ___adjective___ engineer, you can study __adjective__ mathematics and differential __plural noun__.  Then, after ___number___years, if you want to continue your studies, you can write a thesis and become a Doctor of ___plural noun___.  When you get out into the world—if you have a diploma from a university –you will be able to get a job as a ___an occupation___. If you don’t have a diploma, you will have to take a job as a ___an occupation__.  So it’s important that you study hard in high school, so that you will do well in your college entrance exams.  Remember, “A Little Learning is a _____adjective____ thing.”


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