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Baloo's Bugle

May Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 7, Issue 10

Wet &Wild
Webelos Traveler & Artist
Tiger Big Ideas 17


Closing Ceremony
Simon Kenton Council

Cub 1: Well, we sure had fun getting you wet.

Cub 2: We had the best time ever yet.

Cub 3: Thanks for helping in our little party,

Cub 4: And joining us as

Cub 5: The water fun was, oh, so grand,

Cub 6: But now we change from sea to land

Cub 7: Join us again next month


Starfish Cubmaster’s Minute
Heart of America Council


Personnel: Cubmaster or Den Leader

A friend of mine was walking on a beach one day when he saw a native bend down and throw a starfish back into the ocean.  He asked the native why he was doing it.  “You see, it’s low tide right now and all of these starfish have been washed up onto the shore.  If I don’t throw them back into the sea, they’ll die up here from lack of oxygen.”  “I understand,” my friend replied, “but there must be thousands of starfish on this beach.  You can’t possibly get to all of them.  There are simply too many.  And don’t you realize this is probably happening on hundreds of beaches all up and down this coast?  Can’t you see that you can’t possibly make a difference?  “The local native smiled, bent down and picked up yet another starfish, and as he threw it back into the sea, he replied, “Made a difference to that one!”

Three Important Things
Heart of America Council


Personnel: 4 Cubs or all may be read by Leader or Cubmaster

Equipment: Cub Scout badge, Handbook, and Candle

Cub 1: To the sailor, three things were essential -compass, sextant, and a flag to tell which way the wind blew.

Cub 2: To Cub Scouts, these three things are important - (show items) a badge, a handbook, and a candle.

Cub 3: The badge tells who you are and where you are going, the handbook tells how to get where you are going, and the candle is a symbol of the light of Scouting.

Cub 4: It is a light that must be kept burning in the heart of every Scout.

Heart of America Council

Personnel: Cubmaster, Cub Scouts (enough to make a  circle around the pool)

Equipment: Small wading pool filled with water, 1 Pool candle meant for floating (purchase at a pool supply store)

Setting: Make a circle around the wading pool

Cubmaster:  Have you ever taken pebbles and thrown them in a quiet stream or lake?  If you have, you probably noticed that each wave started by each pebble was influenced by the waves started by other pebbles.  Through the ideals of Scouting, the things we do, the friends we make, we can have great influence for good on those with whom we associate.

(Cubmaster carefully lights a candle and gently places it in the pool.  He lets everyone stand silent for a minute or two then leads them in the Cub Scout Benediction)

May the guiding light of Akela,

The Spirit of Cub Scouting,

Be with you and me,

Until we meet again.



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