April Cub Scout Roundtable Issue
Volume 7, Issue 9
Happy Trails
Webelos Outdoorsman & Handyman
Tiger Big Ideas 16 & 17
10 Council
learn how to make minor repairs around the house and garage.
They also learn how to take care of tools and their proper use.
Remember that though these activities may seem simple to you, it may be the
first time one of your Webelos has been exposed to changing a tire or
learning about tools and how to use them. Be careful not to criticize and lose patience if the boys
seem clumsy with a screwdriver or wrench.
They will learn greatly from your patience and will be so proud of
what they’ve accomplished in earning this badge. Handyman is part of the
Technology group of Activity Badges.
acquaint Webelos with odd jobs that they could do to help out around their
homes. To help Webelos learn
the proper care and storage of tools.
To make
Webelos aware of the importance of the proper storage of household
Where To Go And What To Do
Have a
clinic on the care and repair of bicycles. Set it up like a shop and have
each boy bring his bike and do repairs. Etc.
different ways to mark tools for ownership identification.
Hold a
nail-hammering contest. See who can hammer a nail in the fewest number of
Visit a
good home workshop and have the owner explain the use, storage and care of
Arrange a
visit to a service/repair station. Have a mechanic explain the use of
different types of equipment. He may show how to check oil levels, fluids
and belts, tire pressure, and change light bulbs in a car.
a pack car wash.
a pack bike rodeo.
safety measures for lawn mowing.
sawhorses show their use.
Build a
small step stool (see Webelos Book).
What a
great way to help around the home and make life easier for Mom and Dad.
This activity badge will provide new opportunities to gain new
skills, which will last them a lifetime.
Tie Slide – Miniature
Tool Set
needed: Miniature tools Leather tool kit 1 - .5” x .5” PVC pipe
pieces Lacing
1. Stitch
or lash two pieces of leather together with the tools between the two.
2. Attach
the PVC pipe to the back to form the loop.
Tool Holder
An empty
soft drink handy pack carton makes a useful tool holder. Paint the carton or
cover with paper. Insert
painted small frozen juice cans in carton sections and use to hold and carry
pliers, paper punch, screwdriver, scissors and so on.
Handy Punch
You will
find this homemade awl very useful for many projects. You will need a nail
about 3-inches long, plus two
strips of
wood about 1-inch wide, 4-inches long and 3/8-inches thick. Place the nail
lengthwise on one wood strip,
with the
head about ½-inch from the end and point of nail extending beyond the wood.
Hammer edge of nail head
it in the wood. Apply glue to other wood strip and place it on top of first
strip. Hammer nail end
until nail head is embedded in top strip. Let dry. The wood handle is
convenient when heating nail for
heavy plastic.
Bicycle Rodeo
handyman is worked on during the spring or fall, it would be a great idea to
tie in a bicycle rodeo or a bicycle safety program. The death toll in
bicycle accidents is about 1,000 a year. Boys between the ages of 5 and 14
are involved in the majority of serious bicycle accidents. Many people on
bicycles do not realize that they are a driver in the same sense as being an
automobile driver. Webelos Scouts need to learn that when they are on
bicycles, they are drivers and must obey the same traffic rules as other
At your
bike rodeo, train the boys in how to keep their bicycles in good working
order, how to drive them safely,
and teach
them of the rules of the road.
You could
set up an “obstacle” course and have the boys safely maneuver their
bikes along the course. A special neckerchief slide could be made up and
given to all participants, or make up a certificate to hand out.
Handyman Scavenger Hunt
In a
boy’s home or meeting place, hunt for the following items or create your
own list. Boys should be
accompanied by a leader or parent. They
should not gather the items but instead, have the boys write down the
location of each.
is a sample:
shears, Edge trimmer, Lawn mower, Gasoline can, Oil can, File, Pliers,
Hammer, Nails, Screwdriver, Air pump, Tire tube, Old rags, Old newspapers,
Window cleaning solution, Aluminum cans, Tire pressure, gauge, Crescent
wrench , Tire changing tools, Auto jack and stand.
After the
locations for these tools are recorded, go over the list and see if any of
the items are not stored in the proper locations. For example, are the old
rags stored on top or next to the gas can in a closed cabinet?
Are the pruning shears lying on the floor where young children may be
able to “play” with them? Also check the tools for cleanliness and sharpness.
These factors influence their serviceability.
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