April Cub Scout Roundtable Issue
Volume 7, Issue 9
Happy Trails
Webelos Outdoorsman & Handyman
Tiger Big Ideas 16 & 17
Chief Woodskunk
York Adams Area Council
Old Paintbrush:
Chief Woodskunk:
(Make war whoop)
Bull: "Hee Haw"
Emma: (Rattles stones in tin)
Wolf: "Howoooooo"
"Bang, bang"
"He went that-a-way"
Once upon
a time there was a Cowboy who
went out into the desert, riding his horse, Old
Far off in the distance, he could hear the Timber
Wolf. The Cowboy
made camp and went fast asleep, first making sure Old
Paintbrush was secure.
Now, creeping through the desert was Chief
Woodskunk riding his mule, Sitting
Bull. He was pursued by the Sheriff
and his Deputy. In his pocket, Chief
Woodskunk had his trained
rattlesnake, Emma, who was
trained to creep up and bit the Cowboy
and his horse. While Chief Woodskunk
crept up, Old Paintbrush watched
the camp, the Timber Wolf howled, the Cowboy
snored, and Sitting Bull
ate cactus.
In the
meantime, the Sheriff and his Deputy
sprang their trap. "Halt, you are my prisoner!" shouted the Sheriff.
The Cowboy woke up and mounted
his horse, Old Paintbrush, which frightened the Timber Wolf and Emma.
Away went
old Chief Woodskunk on his faithful mule, Sitting Bull, and after
them went the Sheriff, his Deputy,
the Cowboy, and Old Paintbrush.
But old Chief Woodskunk led them into a blind, and that was the last anybody ever
saw of the Cowboy, Old
Paintbrush, Emma the
rattlesnake, the Timber Wolf, the
mule Sitting Bull, the Sheriff, or his
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