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Baloo's Bugle

April Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 7, Issue 9

Happy Trails
Webelos Outdoorsman & Handyman
Tiger Big Ideas 16 & 17


York Adams Area Council


Have different stations set up outside for the pardners to test out their “riding” skills.  These might include barrel racing, ribbon racing with a pardner, keyhole racing, etc.  For more information on what these events are (in real life), see the Gymkhana website <see in the back under web sites>.  You can also add other rodeo fun ideas such as twirling a lasso, lassoing a post, etc.  This can also be used as a regular game during a Pack Meeting.

Horse of A Different Color
York Adams Area Council

Have pictures of different horse breeds tacked (pun intended!) around the room.  Give out papers with the names of the different horses and clues that would help to identify the different breeds.  (Decide how much of a give-away this needs to be and build the clues around this.  I wouldn’t expect Cub Scouts from Valentine, Nebraska, to be given anything but a blank sheet of paper; but the Cub Scouts from downtown NYC would probably need coaching that there are different horses besides the ones the officers in Central Park ride.)


Pre Opening


One Word Anagram
Indian Nations Council

Ask if anyone can rearrange the letters in the words “new door” to make one word.  Give everyone a chance to try and then write on a blackboard: O-N-E W-O-R-D.

Go Forth
Indian Nations Council

Give everyone a pencil and paper when they arrive.  Tell them to “Go forth” and get acquainted with 20 people, to ask them their names, and to write them on their paper.  When all have their 20 names, ask everyone to tear them off and give each slip of paper to the person whose name is written.  Check up to see how many can rid themselves of all their names.

Group Puzzles
Indian Nations Council

Cut pictures (magazine illustrations, advertising pictures, postcards, etc.) into a number of pieces.  Pass these out as people arrive and ask everyone to complete his puzzle, thereby forming discussion groups.


Married Words
Indian Nations Council

Provide cards which have been written one word of common pairs such as “Jack” and “Jill,” “ham” and “egg,” etc.  Have as many cards as needed.  Ask every one to match up his card and introduce himself to the person holding the mate to his card.  Some other combinations are:

Adam and Eve, Amos and Andy, Army and Navy, Black and Blue, Bread and Butter, Over and Under, Cats and Dogs, Coat and Vest, Comb and Brush, Cup and Saucer, Day and Night, Down and Out, Fine and Dandy, Gilbert and Sullivan, Sweet and Sour, Hit and Run, Horse and Buggy, House and Lot, In and Out Up and Down, Knife and Fork, Liver and Bacon, Mutt and Jeff, North and South, East and West Pork and Beans, Salt and Pepper


Yes or No
Indian Nations Council

Announce that no one is to say “yes” or “no”. Then give half of the group 10 peanuts and the rest 10 beans.  Allow every one a specified time in which to collect counters by obtaining one from each person who answers “yes” or “no” to any question.  The one with the largest number wins.

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